How to Identify 3Ware Controller Devices with mapfile.txt (DRAFT)

This is how to map a system device to a controller device on a H700/H800 controller based on the mapfile.  Messages will report the device error as an sd device.  Look at the mapfile to determine the serial number of the volume.  This serial number can be used to identify the devices that make up the volume.  May not be necessary but it's good information.  The below is specific to the boot drives.


1. Take a look at mapfile.txt.


###08:01:14### -Storage Device mappings- 'cat /opt/DXi/3ware/mapfile.txt':
/dev/sda /c0/u0 HD234N4L0A42EA00B9CE BOOT   <---------
/dev/sdb /c0/u0 HD234N4L0A42EA00B9CE BOOT   <---------  Serial numbers match from the file below.  Points to the unit serial number.
/dev/sdc /c0/u0 HD234N4L0A42EA00B9CE BOOT   <---------  This  shows the devices on Controller 0, unit 0.
/dev/sdd /c0/u0 HD234N4L0A42EA00B9CE BOOT   <---------
/dev/sde /c0/u1 7Y064KGN0A430300164F SSD1
/dev/sdf /c0/u2 45064KGN0A43120056A5 SSD2
/dev/sdg /c0/u3 HD23KLYL0A4321008700 DATA
/dev/sdh /c1/u0 Q6064KGN0B5D050011EB SSD
/dev/sdi /c1/u1 HD234LKL0B5D14001FAA DATA
/dev/sdj /c2/u0 BF064KGN0B5D2100F233 SSD
/dev/sdk /c2/u1 HD24B5DL0B5D35001648 DATA


2. From the collect in hw-info/RAIDstatus-collect we can see the c0 u0 information.


/c0/u0 status = OK
/c0/u0 is not rebuilding, its current state is OK
/c0/u0 is not verifying, its current state is OK
/c0/u0 is initialized.
/c0/u0 Write Cache = on
/c0/u0 Read Cache = Intelligent
/c0/u0 volume(s) = 4
/c0/u0 name = BOOT
/c0/u0 serial number = HD234N4L0A42EA00B9CE      <------------- Unit serial number corresponds to the entries in mapfile.txt.
/c0/u0 Ignore ECC policy = off
/c0/u0 Auto Verify Policy = off
/c0/u0 Storsave Policy = balance
/c0/u0 Command Queuing Policy = on
/c0/u0 Rapid RAID Recovery setting = all

Unit     UnitType  Status         %RCmpl  %V/I/M  VPort Stripe  Size(GB)
u0       RAID-1    OK             -       -       -     -       931.312
u0-0     DISK      OK             -       -       p8    -       931.312
u0-1     DISK      OK             -       -       p9    -       931.312  
u0/v0    Volume    -              -       -       -     -       250         <------ sda
u0/v1    Volume    -              -       -       -     -       64          <------ sdb
u0/v2    Volume    -              -       -       -     -       64          <------ sdc
u0/v3    Volume    -              -       -       -     -       553.312     <------ sdd


3. All of the units from the show all on the controller. Command used was tw_cli /c0 show


Unit  UnitType  Status         %RCmpl  %V/I/M  Stripe  Size(GB)  Cache  AVrfy
u0    RAID-1    OK             -       -       -       931.312   RiW    OFF
u1    RAID-1    OK             -       -       -       55.8691   RiW    OFF
u2    RAID-1    OK             -       -       -       55.8691   RiW    OFF
u3    RAID-6    OK             -       -       256K    7450.5    RiW    OFF


VPort Status         Unit Size      Type  Phy Encl-Slot    Model
p8    OK             u0   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt0  Hitachi HUA722010CL   <--------| shows as these two drives
p9    OK             u0   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt1  Hitachi HUA722010CL   <--------|
p10   OK             u3   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt2  Hitachi HUA722010CL
p11   OK             u3   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt3  Hitachi HUA722010CL
p12   OK             u3   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt4  Hitachi HUA722010CL
p13   OK             u1   59.62 GB  SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt5  SSDSA2SH064G1GC INT
p14   OK             u1   59.62 GB  SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt6  SSDSA2SH064G1GC INT
p15   OK             u3   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt7  Hitachi HUA722010CL
p16   OK             u3   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt8  Hitachi HUA722010CL
p17   OK             u2   59.62 GB  SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt9  SSDSA2SH064G1GC INT
p18   OK             u2   59.62 GB  SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt10 SSDSA2SH064G1GC INT
p19   OK             u3   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt11 Hitachi HUA722010CL
p20   OK             u3   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt12 Hitachi HUA722010CL
p21   OK             u3   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt13 Hitachi HUA722010CL
p22   OK             u3   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt14 Hitachi HUA722010CL
p23   OK             u3   931.51 GB SATA  -   /c0/e0/slt15 Hitachi HUA722010CL

4. Based on size sda must be this device in messages:  u0/v0    Volume    -              -       -       -     -       250         <------ sda


Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:   Vendor: AMCC      Model: 9690SA-4I4 DISK   Rev: 4.08
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:   Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sda: 524288000 512-byte hdwr sectors (268435 MB)
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sda: Write Protect is off
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sda: 524288000 512-byte hdwr sectors (268435 MB)
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sda: Write Protect is off
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:  sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 < sda5 sda6 sda7 sda8 >
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sda


5. Based on size sdb must be this device in messages:  u0/v1    Volume    -              -       -       -     -       64          <------ sdb


Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:   Vendor: AMCC      Model: 9690SA-4I4 DISK   Rev: 4.08
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:   Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdb: 134217728 512-byte hdwr sectors (68719 MB)
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sdb: Write Protect is off
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdb: drive cache: write back
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdb: 134217728 512-byte hdwr sectors (68719 MB)
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sdb: Write Protect is off
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdb: drive cache: write back
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:  sdb: sdb1 sdb2 sdb9
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sd 0:0:0:1: Attached scsi disk sdb


6. Based on size sdc must be this device in messages:  u0/v2    Volume    -              -       -       -     -       64          <------ sdc


Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:   Vendor: AMCC      Model: 9690SA-4I4 DISK   Rev: 4.08
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:   Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdc: 134217728 512-byte hdwr sectors (68719 MB)
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sdc: Write Protect is off
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdc: drive cache: write back
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdc: 134217728 512-byte hdwr sectors (68719 MB)
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sdc: Write Protect is off
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdc: drive cache: write back
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:  sdc: unknown partition table
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sd 0:0:0:2: Attached scsi disk sdc


7. Based on size sdd must be this device in messages:  u0/v3    Volume    -              -       -       -     -       553.312     <------ sdd


Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:   Vendor: AMCC      Model: 9690SA-4I4 DISK   Rev: 4.08
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:   Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdd: 1160380416 512-byte hdwr sectors (594115 MB)
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sdd: Write Protect is off
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdd: drive cache: write back
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdd: 1160380416 512-byte hdwr sectors (594115 MB)
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sdd: Write Protect is off
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: SCSI device sdd: drive cache: write back
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel:  sdd: unknown partition table
Jun 22 10:48:00 pemicdxi1 kernel: sd 0:0:0:3: Attached scsi disk sdd

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