How to Access Lattus Storage Nodes Via IPMI Using Windows


This topic describes how to access Lattus Storage Nodes via IPMI using windows.


  1. Determine Storage Node’s IPMI address from CMC. Navigate to Dashboard > Administration > Hardware > Servers > Storage Nodes and select a specific Storage Node. The IPMI information is located on the Summary tab, as shown below.



  1. Create a PuTTY configuration to be used for IPMI and add tunnel information using Storage Node’s IPMI address. (ports 80, 443 and 7578)  Note:S20 model 2 and S30 require 5900 also)




  1. Enter the Lattus Management Controller’s IP address to the PuTTY configuration and click Save.



  1. Determine if the ports are being used by other applications

# netstat -abn | find ":80 "


The other applications may need to be stopped is connection fails.


  1. Open PuTTY session and log onto Lattus management controller as usual.

This will open the appropriate tunnels.


  1. Enter http://localhost:80 into internet browser.
  1. Log into S10/S20 IPMI with admin | admin
  2. Log into S20model2/S30 IPMI with ADMIN | ADMIN

From IPMI you can perform the following actions:



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