Getting Started


There are several approaches to troubleshooting using the DXi system logs.


Using DXi system logs to troubleshoot is a skill that you will develop over time as you review more and more logs. Identifying the failure, and knowing where to look in the logs, are key to becoming proficient at reviewing logs.


DXi system logs are constantly updated and stored on the DXi system. You can access and review them from the system, or you can collect a snapshot of the logs at a given point in time.


Note: Some editing programs in Windows may display the CR and LF characters in the file as if they were text when you click on the link above, making the file unreadable. Use a program that supports formatting, such as Notepad++ or WordPad. 


How to Collect Logs

Use the DXi-Series Status and Log Collection Job Aid as a reference. It describes various ways to capture DXi diagnostic logs.


Log Location and Contents

Use the DXi-Series Log Location and Description Job Aid to learn about the most-often used log files, their location within a captured diagnostic log file and on the system, and the types of information they contain.



What's Next?

Most-Often Used Logs >