Gathing application versions from connect_db database

The SNC app store lets you look at each app version individually.








The query from bash let's you collect them all at once:


[root@cx-node2 ~]#  psql -d connect_db -c "select application_name,version_number,revision from application_status;"
    application_name     | version_number | revision
 Monitor Storage Manager |              5 |       94
 Monitor Systems         |              4 | 26092548
 Manage NAS              |              4 |     1657
 StorNext Pro Install    |              4 | 41928369
 Monitor NAS             |              4 |       51
 Connect Core            |              9 |     1419
 Administer App Store    |              4 | 27243245
 Utilization             |              1 |      262
 Discover Components     |              5 |      253
 Manage Clients          |              4 | 26115758
 Manage Other Components |              6 | 56770373
 Monitor Performance     |              5 |      106
(12 rows)


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