File System Log Structure and Usage Support


Below is a list of the of the log files and information contained in a support dump, with brief descriptions of their contents.

NOTE: This page was originally written for i6 FW. Since i8 some file locations have changed, been removed and new files added.


HOSTNAME Assigned library name set in the I2K network setup.
Serialnum Library system serial number located in the CM module.
Wwname Library WWN located in the CM module. Note: The wwname file is in decimal - convert to hex when verifying the WWN of I/O blades with fcShowName.
ADIC-release Library firmware level loaded on the library. 

Verify MCB version matches with ADIC-release level 


Verify RCUversion matches with ADIC-release level


Verify CMBversion matches with ADIC-release level

Extaccess.conf Library security setting configuration (SSH, ilink, EKM ports, LDAP).

/etc/adic/M000127 Library licensed features. EKM "Encryption", COD "Capacity on Demand" is licensed in 100 slots. COD 7 = 700 slots. LLS = number of logical libraries. 



In i8 and above this file is found in /var/log

Library RAS ticketing log. RAS tickets report library events with associated repair actions and recommendations. There are three levels of severity:  Failed, Warning, and Informational. The rasDumpOutput is the recommended starting point when evaluating an I2K snapshot.


Not found in i8 and above

System O/S information. Ethernet configuration setting (Eth0 = Customer, Eth1 = library internal). MCB daemon status, verifies that services are running chkmcb. Component environmental statistics, "Temperature, Voltage, Fan speeds, etc."


i8 and above. 

All system information can be found in this file.

 This includes versioning information for all library components, licenses and configuration settings, i.e. network, physical, partition and drives.


i8 and above. 

This file contains all tape load/unload information. The file maintains data for one year then begins overwriting old data. This file replaces xx-tdm_session.log files previously found in /var/log/adic/M000127.



When a RAS ticket is generated by the I2K, the EmailRulesProperties file lists the severity level and e-mail recipients who will receive the RAS ticket.

Note: If a customer is not receiving e-mailed RAS events, check this file.

ServerProperties Customer e-mail SMTP server configuration. If the I2K is failing to send e-mail, check this file for valid sender, SMTP IP address, and whether e-mail authorization is true. 

/var/fdm - Not found in i8 and above


This file contains a manifest of firmware installs for the library.

Note: The end of the file lists the current installed firmware to/from the previous version, and the date of the last firmware install.

/var/fdm/logs - i8+ /var/log/fdm

Firmware upgrade logs The upgrade-version files contain the fdm_install log. Use this log to review failed firmware upgrades to find the failing event. The cmbupdate-IP-Address-version is created every time the CMB auto-levels. If the CMB continues to auto-level with each power cycle, review the log for the failing event.


messages_0/1.log The messages log contains the O/S system logging. Use this log to review network connections, DHCP, SSH, and kernel messages. Search for he word “restart” when checking an I2K for reboots and power cycles.


This file contains a wealth of information regarding the system. Most used by the field is the mediastats section which contains detailed information about each piece of media every loaded into the library. You can find information regarding the physical library and partition in this file but there are other files where that information is kept in an easier to read format.


amcCommandHistory.log This log contains a chronological history of all actions performed on the library LMC. Use this log to determine what events and changes have been made to the library through the LMC. (Example: when was a blade power cycled, partition changed, or drive power cycled, when was a snapshot taken, etc.).
lmserver.log The lmserver.log file contains system events from several services (management traps, API drive information, user services, RAS events, etc). Use this log to: see who has logged into the I2K by username, IP address, service login level, and action performed by that user. This log also records RAS ticket events and who was e-mailed the event, as well as devices added and removed from the I2K. GUI/LMC “ERROR”, library configuration information is listed after a reboot.  
memoryUsage.log This log tracks the amount of free memory and memory used by Java. The memory used by Java should stay fairly constant. Use this log for GUI/LMC, and for slow or hung-type issues.


vt_ADIC(serial#)_(date).log The vt logs contain the I2K installation verification test. The ivt test verifies that  the I2K is installed within Engineering specifications. Use this log to verify the test results.


supportDump.log Each I/O blade has its own directory here, with a support dump log. Use this log to verify host-to-drive mapping using vpsShow, drive LUN assignment, drive serial numbers, and what channel each drive is connected to on the blade. Other information recorded includes host and drive fiber link connection, link speed, and transmission/CRC errors using fcShow2. The loggerDump shows Fibre Channel port errors and debug messages.


tdm_session.log The tdm_session logs contain the media mount history by month (xx=month). Use these logs to track media to drive movement by drive serial number, timestamp, load time, unload time, and media volser. This log is very helpful when matching application logs to the I2K library syncing timestamps using media mount information. In i8 these files have been consolidated to the /tmp/tdm_session.log file.
adictrapd_0/1.log The trapd log contains the SNMP/MIB; library state changes, “I/E door open, drive removed," etc. Use this log when troubleshooting SNMP configuration issues.
rmTapeAlert.csv Contains tape alerts by associated drive and media, listing the date/time, drive serial number, and media volser.  To identify potential bad media and drives, import this file into Excel and sort by drive.
scsi_0/1.log The scsi log is the communication path between the host and the I2K library. Use this log to track host commands and responses. Refer to the I2K SCSI reference guide for supported commands, and check condition status.
tdmdt_log This log contains the dynamic drive data. Use this log to map physical drive elements to logical library partitions and the logical drive element address presented to the host.
tdmst_log This log contains the static drive data. Use this log to get drive statistics (load/unload count, hours mounted, read/write errors).
tdmpt_log This log contains the drive policy data. Use this log to check drive firmware leveling policies and the applied firmware images.
vps_log This log shows VPS LUN mapping at the MCB level. Use it to validate host-to-MCB LUN mapping when no I/O blades are present or configured for logical partition access. This file will only exist if you have mapping on the MCB.
WWN_to_Host_Name.log This log contains the host VPS mapping for all configured I/O blades in one file. Verify this information with the VPS mapping in the actual blade support dump for accuracy. 


al_trace_00 PLS manager trace. Use this log to track media movement by SCSI source/target destination, source/target slot location, and media volser.


al_hist_05 This file contains information regarding recent Drive Brick FW Updates,  indicating if they were successful or not. It also shows information about Enabling and Disabling of Drive Auto-Leveling on drives.
al_hist_06 This file contains information regarding addition and removal of license keys. It contains the license keys that have been installed, but it does not provide details of what the license key is for.
al_hist_07 This file contains a variety of data that covers informational messages, as well as errors regarding Tape Alerts, Drive Cleanings, Robotics Movements/Failures, and I/O Blade Ethernet Communication and FC Port Information. Examples of the various messages that can be seen in this log include a TA Reported, Cleaning Request, Failed Robotics Move, FCB Ethernet Failure, or I/O Blade FC Port Going Down or Up. 


rcs_snapshot.log This log contains the robotic communication and library configuration. This is the primary log for analyzing the I2K library. Information includes CM/EM frame/configuration information, rev levels, drive sleds/brick information, calibration/teach information, element/slot/volser information, robotic logging showing X/Y and picker movement, and error recovery/hard failures.

 What's Next...

Snapshot Overview > 




Additional Resources



This section needs to be updated to reflect changes in the i8 code base.

Note by Jeff Parker on 06/25/2011 10:14 AM

Finished edit and would welcome any feedback.

Note by Ed Winograd on 09/16/2010 12:38 PM

More substantial edit than the previoius topics, not quite finished editing yet. Please check content.

Note by Ed Winograd on 09/14/2010 06:36 PM

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