File Naming Conventions |
This page answers the following two questions:
There is one file named supportDump.log for every I/O blade in the library.
NOTE: If something is wrong with an I/O blade when the snapshot is taken, its supportDump file may not be in the snapshot. You can find out how many blades are in the library in two ways:
Counting supportDump.log files in a snapshot:
Open a snapshot with WinZip or another program capable of opening tgz files and sort on the "Name" column. There will be one supportDump.log file for every IOB that was in the system and functional at the time of the snapshot, as seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Look in the snapshot tmp\sys_info.log file:
Open the tmp\sys_info.log file, and search for all instances of "FC IOB":
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(QUANTUM FC IOB/7404),
Vendor(QUANTUM FC IOB/7404),
Vendor(QUANTUM FC IOB/7404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(QUANTUM FC IOB/7404),
Vendor(QUANTUM FC IOB/7404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
To see what type of blade each one is, you can look in the supportDump.log file, or in the sys_info.log file.
Using the supportDump.log file:
6404 Example 1:
************ showVersions ************
ADIC FC IOB Firmware-4
6404 Example 2:
************ showVersions ************
Quantum FC IOB Firmware-4
7404 Example:
************ showVersions ************
From the sys_info.log file:
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(QUANTUM FC IOB/7404),
Vendor(QUANTUM FC IOB/7404),
Vendor(QUANTUM FC IOB/7404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
Vendor(QUANTUM FC IOB/7404),
Vendor(QUANTUM FC IOB/7404),
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
NOTE: The information shown above, about how many IOBs are in a library in a system and what types they are, isn't very valuable until you find the correct supportDump or sys_info.log information for a specific IOB in the system. That is covered in the following section.
Use the i2000 IO Blade Mapping Table Spreadsheet to view the following information for each I/O blade position in a library. The example excerpt below is for blade 1,1,1,1,3:
Bay | 3 |
Device | IOB |
Coordinate | 1,1,1,1,3 |
IP Address | |
Node Name | I0000001 |
WWN | 50308c0.XXXXX802 |
WWPN 1 | 50308c0.XXXXX803 |
WWPN 2 | 50308c0.XXXXX804 |
WWPN 3 | 50308c0.XXXXX805 |
WWPN 4 | 50308c0.XXXXX806 |
WWPN 5 | 50308c0.XXXXX807 |
WWPN 6 | 50308c0.XXXXX808 |
In a snapshot, supportDumps are placed in a directory path of var\log\adic\<Node Name>, where <Node Name> is the name of the Node as shown in the i2000 Blade Mapping table spreadsheet, minus the last digit: "1". In the example shown above, the path to the supportDump.log for blade 1,1,1,1,3 in the snapshot would be var\log\adic\I000000.
The figure below shows the path name for each supportDump in the snapshot. Using this information, you can determine which blade each supportDump is for.
Figure 2.
Note: The blade Node Names and IP addresses are not set up such that a higher frame number always has an alphanumerically higher Node Name or IP address. For example, look at the node name and IP address for the first blade in Modules 2 and 5 below:
Module 2:
Module 5
Note: The blades in the higher-numbered module do not always have higher-numbered node names or IP addresses. It is very important to use the blade mapping spreadsheet when looking at supportDump files.
This information is also available in the tmp\sys_info.log file. As before, you can search for all instances of "FC IOB". For each one, you will find the information shown below.
This example is for blade 1,1,1,1,3:
Vendor(ADIC FC IOB/6404),
SN(AMP011693-0258 ),
Here, we see that this information applies to the blade whose supportDump is in Directory (I000000), which is var\log\adic\I000000.
Earlier, when we looked at the sys_info.log file to see how many blades we had in the library and what kind they were, we were still missing the piece of information that we now have. Using this information, we can tell by location which blades are of what type (6404 or 7404), and we know which directory to go to for the supportDump for any particular IOB in an i2k.
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