Enable Debug on the DXi - OST, NDMP


When the information provided in the DXI and OST plugin logs is insufficient to identify the issue, enabling DEBUG will increase the information captured in the logs. This section shows how to enable debug for OST. 



Enabling DEBUG for OST

To enable DEBUG for OST logging on the DXi:



  1. ssh into the DXi using root
  2. cp /hurricane/log-common.conf /scratch
  3. vi /hurricane/log-common.conf
  4. Find the following section:

# allow INFO and up messages for OST

log4cplus.logger.ost = INFO, ALL_APP

log4cplus.additivity.ost = false


  1. Change INFO to DEBUG in the second line and in the comment:

# allow DEBUG for OST

log4cplus.logger.ost = DEBUG, ALL_APP

log4cplus.additivity.ost = false


  1. Disable the process watcher: rm /var/DXi/processwatcher
  2. Restart log4cplus-server

service log4cplus-server restart

  1. Restart OST


Enabling DEBUG for NDMP 


  1. Edit /hurricane/log-common.conf.
  2. Change or add the necessary logger.
  3. Change INFO in the following line to DEBUG:





  1. Disable process watcher: rm /var/DXi/processwatcher .
  2. Restart log4cplus-server, ndmp, and processwatcher:    

service log4cplus-server restart
service ndmp restart
touch /var/DXi/processwatcher 




Changed the title to match the links to it on the first OST Issues page, and on the preceding page, "Enable Debug and Gather OST Plugin Logs".

Note by Ed Winograd on 07/18/2011 05:09 PM

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