Drive Utility and Log Capture IBM LTO


This section shows how to capture IBM LTO drive logs, using the Email or Save option. It also covers ITDT EX operation.


Note: This content is related to ITDT versions prior to version 6.


Note: When capturing drive logs from the Scalar i2000 AMC Console via 6404 IOBS, there is a known issue in i6.6 and prior FW that limits file size to 2MB, resulting in an incomplete capture. If capturing drives logs via 6404 IOBS, please use the IBM ITDT method or 7404 IOBs.


To capture drive logs: 


1.       Log in as Administrator from the AMC.
2.       Select View > Physical.
3.       Select Tools > Drives.
4.       In the Drive(s) box, select the drive.
5.       In the Control box, select Get Drive Log.  A new window will open, asking you to select how to capture the drive log.
6.       Select Email or Save.
7.       Do one of the following:
o        If you chose Email, type or select the address where the file is to go. Enter a comment if you wish.The library must be configured to allow e-mails to be sent for this operation to succeed.
o        If you chose Save, browse to the location to save the file. Type or select a name for the compressed file, using something you can identify the file with (such as Customer, Serial #, or Drive #).  Click Open.
8.       Click OK.


Watch or download a video on how to capture logs using the Email option.

Watch or download a video on how to capture logs using the Save option. 


ITDT EX Operation

To start the ITDT-XE Client, from the Start menu, select IBM TotalStorage > ITDT-XE Client.

For local operation, you need to start the software with administrative rights. 


The first time the program is run, the User Settings dialog box will appear, allowing you to enter your name and company. We strongly recommend that you fill out all data for further analysis of test results. Then click OK to save your settings, and close the dialog box. 


In the toolbar, you can use the Diagnostic button and the Log Files button to switch between the Diagnostic view and the Log Files view. The Diagnostic view contains the operations related to the physically attached Tape Devices.

To start with diagnostics if you work with a remote ITDT-XE Server:


  1. Click the Arrow located next to the Local button.
  2. Select Edit Remote...
  3. Enter the IP address or Server name of your remote host.
  4. Press OK to save the settings, then close the dialog box.

If working remotely, ensure that the ITDT-XE server is running on the remote machine.

To switch between Local and Remote operation, click the Arrow described above and select Local or Remote.


To display the list of tape devices found, go to the Control Center and click the Scan button. You can then select one or more devices by clicking on the corresponding check boxes.


Choose one of the available operations (Test, Dump, or Ucode), or click the Arrow next to the Test button to select an extended test.

For each device on which the operation has been started, a tab will appear in the right panel. This tab shows operation information and status. Refer to the program's online help for restrictions to simultaneous multi-drive testing.


 Watch or download a video on using ITDT.


What's Next?

Drive Utilities and Log Capture Quantum SDLT > 



Additional Resources




Edited, sending out queries to nail down a couple of points.

Note by Ed Winograd on 09/20/2010 04:03 PM
Title Last Updated Updated By
IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool (ITDT) Overview
This video provides an overview of the IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool (ITDT).
09/27/2010 02:03 PM Tom McFaul
Capturing Drive Logs Using The Save Option
This video will show you how to capture and save logs on a Scalar i2000 or i6000.
09/27/2010 11:57 AM Tom McFaul
Capturing Drive Logs Using the Email Option
This video will show you how to capture logs and send them via email on a Scalar i2000 or i6000.
09/27/2010 11:53 AM Tom McFaul

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