Drive Serial Number Locations Within The Scalar i2000 Snapshot


There may be many instances when reviewing logs in a Scalar i2000 snapshot where the tape drive serial numbers will need to be identified. Resolving the tape drive serial numbers with their physical location in the library is important when verifying device configuration/presentation at the Operating System and Backup Application layers.
The Scalari2000 tape library can be configured to present a tape drive(s) physical Serial number or a logical serial number. Depending on the respective log and which implementation (physical or logical) and physical location, the S/N for a specific tape drive can vary in a Scalar i2000 library. Below summarizes examples of snapshot log files that include a tape drive serial number and how to recognize its respective physical and/or logical serial number.
Log Files that include Tape Drive Serial Numbers
Below summarizes a list of common log files that can be referenced for the tape drive serial numbers. Although the list intends to include the most commonly referenced log files, it may not include all files that reference serial numbers:
            # Includes both Physical and Logical SN by location in Scalari2000
            #Where I00xxxx = physical location nexus for respective IOB
            # Includes ONLY SN of Tape Drive SN implemented (Physical or Logical)
            # SN listed by connection path to the IOB regardless of physical location
# Where x =numeric value for month of year (1=Jan, 2=Feb, 3=Mar…etc)
            # Includes ONLY Physical SN of Tape Drive
            # SN listed by utilization of media mounts/dismounts
Log File Examples
##### \var\log\adic\R000117\snapshot\rcs_snapshot.log #####
The rcs_snapshot.log is a log that records events, configuration and discovery information of the robotics. This log will include both the Physical and Logical SN listings for each drive installed into the library drive locations. This is helpful log to reference when correlating a specific drive location to an event highlighting by either Logical or Physical SN. Once the physical location and SN are confirmed, the other logs relating to that drive (\var\log\adic\I00xxxx\supportDump, \var\log\adic\M000127\0x-tmd_session..etc) can be usefully cross referenced to correlate connectivity or utilization related events. Below shows an excerpt of the \var\log\adic\R000117\snapshot\rcs_snapshot.log. Specifically, the example below highlights an excerpt that begins at a point in the log that can be found by searching on the term “MONITOR> DGetInfo”. This section includes slot by slot information for each drive location and includes the Physical and Logical SNs. This section can also helpful in confirming drive Fibre port WWNs:
Note: This example is highlighting sled location 0
Reading drive info from sled 0
 Sled 0 SN: CMM005958-1763
 Sled 0 PN: 2-00357-06REVB
 Sled 0 Primary Brick SN: 1310039144    
 Sled 0 Logical Brick SN: F0018F4001    
 Sled 0 FW: Appl-640Q.GU003 dated 05/21/09, BOOT-430A.GU001 dated 07/21/06
 Sled 0 DRIVE FW: CTL- DRV-94D4
 Sled 0 SCSI id=1, loop1 id=0, loop2 id=0
 Sled 0 WWN=500308c0018f4001
 Sled 0 PORT1 WWN=500308c0018f4002
 Sled 0 PORT2 WWN=500308c0018f4003
 Sled 0 topology: port1 topo=01, port1 speed=01, port2 topo=01, port2 speed=01
 Sled 0 EKM Settings:
               Method: Application                
               Policy: Default                    
              Density: Default
              KeyPath: Default        
             Licensed: No
###### \var\log\adic\I00xxxx\supportDump.log #######
The \var\log\adic\I00xxxx logs represent log files for each 6404 or 7404 IOB installed in the Scalari2000. There will be a unique file in the \var\log\adic\ directory for each IOB installed in the system based on it’s physical location in the Scalari2000 library (reference the i2000 Storage & Drive & IO Blade Mapping Tables.xls).
During device discovery, each IOB will detect tape drives connected on each IOB Fibre port. Depending on implementation, the tape drive sled will present either the drive brick Physical SN or the Logical SN. The IOB’s view of drive SNs can be captured in the following log sections; fcShowDevs, vpsShow, mapShowDevs, mapShowDatabase). With the exception of mapShowDatabase, these log outputs should never report BOTH Logical and Physical SNs concurrently (action: escalate). Below highlights some examples from the supportDump.log file:
************ vpsShow ************
VPS State: Active
Host Index 1: 'HNAS' WWN = 21fd0005:1e037ba0
 OS Type = 1, Flags = 0x00000001
 Host Type:    'WINDOWS'
 Device Id:    'unknown'
 In-band Access: Self : -- | 3rd Party : --
 Registration Period = 0
 Chan = 2    Host State:   Logout
 Host Int.
 LUN, LUN Chan Id Lun Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
 --- ---- ---- -- --- ------   -------          --------
    0,   0   0    0    0 ADIC     FC IOB           5931 AMP018000-0179 
    1,   3   5    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F400D
    2,   4   6    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4013
Host Index 2: 'HNAS' WWN = 50030170:0000f184
 OS Type = 1, Flags = 0x00000001
 Host Type:    'WINDOWS'
 Device Id:    'unknown'
 In-band Access: Self : -- | 3rd Party : --
 Registration Period = 0
 Chan = 2    Host State:   Online
 Interface Type = 3, iCtrl = 0x0x7e8c668
 Host Int.
 LUN, LUN Chan Id Lun Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
 --- ---- ---- -- --- ------   -------          --------
    0,   0   0    0    0 ADIC     FC IOB           5931 AMP018000-0179 
    1,   3   5    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F400D
    2,   4   6    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4013
************ fcShowDevs ************
Targets Visible to Hosts on FC 1:
LUN Chan Id Lun Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
 0   0    0    0 ADIC     FC IOB           5931 AMP018000-0179 
 1   3    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4001
 2   4    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4007
 5   0    0    3 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL0      
 11   0    0   25 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL1      
Targets Visible to Hosts on FC 2:
LUN Chan Id Lun Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
 0   0    0    0 ADIC     FC IOB           5931 AMP018000-0179 
 3   5    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F400D
 4   6    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4013
 5   0    0    3 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL0      
 11   0    0   25 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL1      
Targets Visible to Hosts on FC 3:
LUN Chan Id Lun Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
 0   0    0    0 ADIC     FC IOB           5931 AMP018000-0179 
 2   4    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4007
 3   5    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F400D
 4   6    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4013
 5   0    0    3 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL0      
 11   0    0   25 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL1      
Targets Visible to Hosts on FC 4:
LUN Chan Id Lun Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
 0   0    0    0 ADIC     FC IOB           5931 AMP018000-0179 
 1   3    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4001
 3   5    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F400D
 4   6    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4013
 5   0    0    3 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL0      
 11   0    0   25 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL1       
Targets Visible to Hosts on FC 5:
LUN Chan Id Lun Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
 0   0    0    0 ADIC     FC IOB           5931 AMP018000-0179 
 1   3    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4     94D4 F0018F4001
 2   4    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4007
 4   6    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4013
 5   0    0    3 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL0      
 11   0    0   25 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL1      
Targets Visible to Hosts on FC 6:
LUN Chan Id Lun Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
 0   0    0    0 ADIC     FC IOB           5931 AMP018000-0179 
 1   3    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4001
 2   4    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F4007
 3   5    0    0 IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4 F0018F400D
 5   0    0    3 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL0       
 11   0    0   25 ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A ADIC203101285_LL1      
************ mapShowDevs ************
devId Type Chan iId iLun UID                tId tLun Handle     Path
000    SNA   127   127 007f 500308c0.018f4802 001 000   05b31a00h SINGLE
    SN: AMP018000-0179 
001    FCAL 003   000 0000 500308c0.018f4002 255 255   05763b8ch SINGLE
    SN: F0018F4001
002    FCAL 004   000 0000 500308c0.018f4008 255 255   0576338ch SINGLE
    SN: F0018F4007
003    FCAL 005   000 0000 500308c0.018f400e 255 255   05762b8ch SINGLE
    SN: F0018F400D
004    FCAL 006   000 0000 500308c0.018f4014 255 255   0576238ch SINGLE
    SN: F0018F4013
005    SOIP2 000   000 0003 205008c0.018f4802 255 255   053d1000h SINGLE
    SN: ADIC203101285_LL0      
011    SOIP2 000   000 0019 20b008c0.018f4802 255 255   053c6c00h SINGLE
    SN: ADIC203101285_LL1      
Note: mapShowDatabase output is a summary of devices that have at one time been detected by the IOB and entered into it’s device list. So it is possible to see extra entries of devices in this list. Ideally this output should match the mapShowDev output (but not required).
************ mapShowDatabase ************
devId Type Chan tId tLun UID                Path
000    SNA   127   127 007f 00000230:8c000001 SINGLE
    SN: AMP009010-0026 
001    FCAL 003   000 0000 500308c0:018f4002 SINGLE
    SN: F0018F4001
002    FCAL 004   000 0000 500308c0:018f4008 SINGLE
    SN: F0018F4007
003    FCAL 005   000 0000 500308c0:018f400e SINGLE
    SN: F0018F400D
004    FCAL 006   000 0000 500308c0:018f4014 SINGLE
    SN: F0018F4013
005    SOIP2 000   000 0003 00000230:8c000001 SINGLE
    SN: ADIC203101285_LL0      
006    FCAL 003   000 0000 50050763:002197ac SINGLE
    SN: F0018F4001
007    FCAL 006   000 0000 50050763:00214464 SINGLE
    SN: F0018F4013
008    FCAL 006   000 0000 500308c0:01cc400e SINGLE
    SN: F0018F4013
009    FCAL 004   000 0000 500308c0:01cc401a SINGLE
    SN: F0018F4007
010    FCAL 006   000 0000 500308c0:018eb00e SINGLE
    SN: F0018F4013
011    SOIP2 000   000 0019 00000230:8c000001 SINGLE
    SN: ADIC203101285_LL1      
#### \var\log\adic\M000127\0x-tdm_session.log ####
There is a tdm_session.log for each month of the year. The numerical prefix can be used to identify which month of the year the respective file represents. The contents of the file summarizes information regarding media mount and dismount activity for specific media volsers and tape drives. This log file will always reference the tape drive Physical SN regardless of the implementation (Physical or Logical). Here are some example entries showing the tape drive serial numbers highlighted. This log is helpful gaining intuition on which drive SN was being used and what time that may coincide with a specific event or reported issue.
0,1,0,1,0,0,1110374358,2,19414,19414,10/31/2009 03:57,11/01/2009 00:01,1558,MC0798L2
0,1,0,4,0,0,9110804921,2,486817,0,10/31/2009 19:37,11/01/2009 00:30,12096,MC0719L2
0,0,0,2,0,0,1310035877,1,0,1,10/31/2009 23:50,11/01/2009 00:31,59,D00430L4
0,0,0,6,0,0,1310040431,1,0,60,10/31/2009 23:47,11/01/2009 00:33,864,D00248L4
0,0,0,5,0,0,1310040571,1,0,1674,10/31/2009 23:54,11/01/2009 00:36,62,D00219L4
0,0,0,6,0,0,1310040431,1,0,967,11/01/2009 00:33,11/01/2009 00:36,84,D00013L4
0,1,0,0,0,0,1110374380,2,8256,125661,10/31/2009 18:26,11/01/2009 01:00,3463,MC0791L2
0,1,0,5,0,0,1110270842,2,0,8255,10/31/2009 20:19,11/01/2009 01:31,360,M01210L2
0,1,0,7,0,0,1110374357,2,1,8122,10/31/2009 23:01,11/01/2009 01:57,536,M00480L2



Note: Attached is an internal reference outlining the logical mappings of Scalari2000 components (Content Source: Charlie Perez). Please do not distribute externally. 


What's Next...

This completes the Drives and Media section. The next section is Troubleshooting >  



Additional Resources

Title Last Updated Updated By
i2000 Storage & Drive & IO Blade Mapping Tables.xls
08/23/2010 04:37 PM Bill Allen

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