Device Connectivity


This page answers the following questions:

What physical and logical devices are attached to or present on each blade?

 To see the physical and logical devices present on an IOB, open its supportDump file with WordPad and look for the phrase: "mapShowDevs"



You'll see a section that looks like this:


************ mapShowDevs ************
devId  Type  Chan  iId  iLun  UID                tId  tLun  Handle     Path
000    SNA   127   127  007f  20000230.8c000001  001  000   17273b80h  SINGLE
    SN: AMP011693-0258 
005    FCAL  003   111  0000  500308c0.01c16002  255  255   16de7008h  SINGLE
    SN: F001C16001
006    FCAL  004   111  0000  500308c0.01c16008  255  255   16de6d08h  SINGLE
    SN: F001C16007
007    FCAL  005   111  0000  500308c0.01c1600e  255  255   16de6a08h  SINGLE
    SN: F001C1600D
008    FCAL  006   111  0000  500308c0.01c16014  255  255   16de6708h  SINGLE
    SN: F001C16013
009    SOIP2  000   000  0003  20900230.8c000001  255  255   06ddc880h  SINGLE
    SN: ADIC203102087_LL0    


Meanings of the Fields Shown Above:



This is the internal LUN used by the I/O blade to manage its devices. It is the same number you would see in the leftmost position of the right-hand column in a LUN-mapping screen when setting up FC Host device access.








The serial number of the device.


What physical and logical devices are available for host presentation from each target (host attachment) port?

 To find what physical and logical devices are available for host presentation from each target (host attachment) port on an IOB, open its supportDump file with WordPad and look for the phrase "fcShowDevs". 


You'll see a section that looks like this: 

************ fcShowDevs ************

Targets Visible to Hosts on FC 1:
LUN Chan  Id  Lun  Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
  0   0    0    0  ADIC     Scalar i2000     4462  AMP011693-0258 
  5   3  111    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD3      93G0  F001C16001
  6   4  111    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD3      93G0  F001C16007
  9   0    0    3  ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A  ADIC203102087_LL0      

Targets Visible to Hosts on FC 2:
LUN Chan  Id  Lun  Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
  0   0    0    0  ADIC     Scalar i2000     4462  AMP011693-0258 
  7   5  111    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD3      93G0  F001C1600D
  8   6  111    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD3      93G0  F001C16013
  9   0    0    3  ADIC     Scalar i2000     595A  ADIC203102087_LL0      

Targets Visible to Hosts on FC 3:
LUN Chan  Id  Lun  Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
------------ [ DONT' CARE ] ---------------------


The output for the fcShowDevs command shows what devices on the IOB are available to be presented to the SAN from each target port. In almost all cases, ports 1 and 2 are configured as target ports. But as shown earlier, you can verify that by looking at the port status in the "fcShow 2" section of the supportDump.


Data is presented here for all ports, 1 through 6, but the data found under the initiator ports 3 through 6 is of no use to field service.


The example above shows that: 


This presentation of the first two drives from port 1 and the second from port 2 shows that under the Channel Zoning GUI of the i2k, this blade was set up as shown here:


Figure 3



NOTE: Channel Zoning only affects physical devices. The CC LUN and Logical Libraries are ALWAYS present at all target ports.

NOTE:  In this case, if a single HBA were zoned to see both ports 1 and 2 of this blade, and we LUN mapped all devices to that HBA, the OS would see one of each tape drive (drives 1 and 2 from port 1, drives 3 and 4 from port 2), but would see two instances of the logical library and CC LUN: -- one each from both ports 1 and 2.

Here is an example where Channel Zoning was not used. Note that all devices are present at both ports 1 and 2:


************ fcShowDevs ************

Targets Visible to Hosts on FC 1:
LUN Chan  Id  Lun  Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
  0   0    0    0  QUANTUM  FC IOB           5931  AMP019778-0125 
  1   3    0    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4  F0020BB001
  2   5    0    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4  F0020BB00D
  3   4    0    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4  F0020BB007
  4   6    0    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4  F0020BB013
  5   0    0    3  ADIC     Scalar i2000     590A  ADIC263104685_LL0      

Targets Visible to Hosts on FC 2:
LUN Chan  Id  Lun  Vendor   Product          Rev   SN
  0   0    0    0  QUANTUM  FC IOB           5931  AMP019778-0125 
  1   3    0    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4  F0020BB001
  2   5    0    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4  F0020BB00D
  3   4    0    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4  F0020BB007
  4   6    0    0  IBM      ULTRIUM-TD4      94D4  F0020BB013
  5   0    0    3  ADIC     Scalar i2000     590A  ADIC263104685_LL0      


This corresponds to an IOB set up "without" Channel Zoning, as shown here:


Figure 4




NOTE:  In this case, if a single HBA were zoned to see both ports 1 and 2 of this blade, and we LUN mapped all devices to that HBA, we would see "double" the actual devices: one each from both ports 1 and 2.

What's Next? 

Host Connectivity > 


Additional Resources


Changed some formatting.

Note by Ed Winograd on 09/16/2010 04:07 PM

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