Data Path


The new data path in DXi 2.0 software runs faster than before on the same hardware. It allows data transfer inline from the presentation layers through memory cache. In other words, data only touches the disk once during ingest, and only unique bits are written to disk. The cache/buffer area, which stored raw data in DXi software 1.x, has been eliminated. The corresponding need to truncate this cache/buffer area has also been eliminated. This means that truncation is not part of the space management process.

DXi 1.x Software Data Path




DXi 2.x Software Data Path






Samba has been updated to a newer version than what was in 1.x (3.5.2 vs 3.2.7). Therefore, this upgrade resolves a number off issues that have been previously encountered.
There is improved CIFS support:

Location of Configuration Files

The configuration files are located in the same place for DXi 1.x software and DXi 2.x software:

Ways to Start / Stop Services

Services can be controlled using the appropriate startup script in /etc/init.d or by using the service utility. The service utility points to the scripts in /etc/init.d

What's Next?

OST Architecture >



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