DXi Collect Auto Upload script


The attached AutoUpload.zip file incudes the autoUpload script called dataCollect.pl and a small install script file called installDC.sh. The install file copies dataCollect.pl to /opt/DXi/scripts and adds the following cron entry to /etc/crontab:   


00 8 * * * root /usr/bin/perl /opt/DXi/scripts/dataCollect.pl >> /root/dc.out 2>&1


This script can be used on galaxy 1.x and all 2.x systems.  dataCollect.pl does the following:



The location to where files are uploaded is controlled using $ftpDir and can/should be modified for each customer if possible:


  1. Find the following section within dataCollect.pl:


# Initialize FTP variables

my $ftpHost = '';

my $ftpDir = '/incoming/ASPS/2.0AutoUpload';


  1. Change the path in $ftpDir to desired location

# Initialize FTP variables

my $ftpHost = '';

my $ftpDir = '/incoming/ASPS/CustomerName'


  1. Login to gps.quantum.com using sw_support and create the folder listed in step 2




The files in the attached zip are in Unix format and with the following instructions chaning permissions is not required.

  1. Download AutoUpload.zip either from the attatchment tab or here: AutoUpload.zip
  2. Use winscp or other scp tool to copy AutoUpload.zip to DXi in /root
  3. ssh to DXi as root
  4. unzip file
    1. unzip AutoUpload.zip
  5. Make sure you are in /root.  Should be there if logged in as root via ssh
    1. pwd
  6. Install script and configure cron by typing:
    1. bash installDC.sh

The install script is simple and shouldn't require additional work.  However, you can confirm that the script was installed and that cron was configured properly by:

  1. Check to see if script is located in proper location
    1. ls /opt/DXi/scripts/dataCollect.pl
    2. If the file isn't there then it can manually be copied from /root where the zip file was extracted
  2. Verify that cront entry was added:
    1. tail /etc/crontab
    2. You should see the following line
      1. 00 8 * * * root /usr/bin/perl /opt/DXi/scripts/dataCollect.pl >> /root/dc.out 2>&1
    3. This will be added to /etc/crontab each time the install script is run.




Title Last Updated Updated By
02/25/2011 02:16 PM Tom McFaul

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