DXi Collect Auto Upload script |
The attached AutoUpload.zip file incudes the autoUpload script called dataCollect.pl and a small install script file called installDC.sh. The install file copies dataCollect.pl to /opt/DXi/scripts and adds the following cron entry to /etc/crontab:
00 8 * * * root /usr/bin/perl /opt/DXi/scripts/dataCollect.pl >> /root/dc.out 2>&1
This script can be used on galaxy 1.x and all 2.x systems. dataCollect.pl does the following:
The location to where files are uploaded is controlled using $ftpDir and can/should be modified for each customer if possible:
# Initialize FTP variables
my $ftpHost = '';
my $ftpDir = '/incoming/ASPS/2.0AutoUpload';
# Initialize FTP variables
my $ftpHost = '';
my $ftpDir = '/incoming/ASPS/CustomerName'
The files in the attached zip are in Unix format and with the following instructions chaning permissions is not required.
The install script is simple and shouldn't require additional work. However, you can confirm that the script was installed and that cron was configured properly by:
Attachments |
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