DXi Application Logging Explained


This topic explains some of the basics around DXi application logging.


Log Handling Software

The logging software used on the DXi is called Log4cplus. More information can be found on their website at: http://log4cplus.sourceforge.net/ Link will open in new window..


Log Server Configuration

The first part of the configuration is the network ports and IP addresses to be used. This information is found in /opt/DXi/log.conf:



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include = /opt/DXi/log-common.conf

#-------- HA appender writes HA cluster messages to tsunami_ha.log via server -----------

    log4cplus.appender.HA_APP = log4cplus::SocketAppender

    log4cplus.appender.HA_APP.port = 9998

    log4cplus.appender.HA_APP.host =

#-------- LC appender will be written to tsunami_lc.log via server ------------------

    log4cplus.appender.LC_APP = log4cplus::SocketAppender

    log4cplus.appender.LC_APP.port = 9998

    log4cplus.appender.LC_APP.host =

#-------- PERF appender will be written to tsunami_trace.log via server ------------------

    log4cplus.appender.PERF_APP = log4cplus::SocketAppender

    log4cplus.appender.PERF_APP.port = 9998

    log4cplus.appender.PERF_APP.host =

#-------- ALL appender, write all messages to server ------------------

    log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP = log4cplus::SocketAppender

    log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP.port = 9998

    log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP.host =



These settings should never be changed.


The next configuration file is log-server.conf. This file defines how logs are written, and how the log files are stored (size and quantity of files to keep before rolling):



#-------- ALL appender, write all messages to a file ------------------

    log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP = log4cplus::RollingFileAppender

    log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP.File = /var/log/DXi/tsunami.log

    log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP.MaxFileSize = 200MB

    log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP.MaxBackupIndex = 7 

        # append to a file

    log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP.Append = true

        # buffer logs for better performance

    log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP.ImmediateFlush = true

        # appender ignores messages below TRACE level

    #log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP.Threshold = TRACE

    log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP.layout = log4cplus::PatternLayout

    # XXX do not change this pattern! Code in WPUtilitiesLogViewer.cpp relies

    # on this format. Breaking makes the GUI no longer able to show the logs.

    log4cplus.appender.ALL_APP.layout.ConversionPattern = %-6p - %D{%x-%H:%M:%S} - %c %F(%L) %m%n


#--------"HA appender writes HA cluster messages to tsunami_ha.log" -----------

    log4cplus.appender.HA_APP = log4cplus::RollingFileAppender

    log4cplus.appender.HA_APP.File = /var/log/DXi/tsunami_ha.log

    log4cplus.appender.HA_APP.MaxFileSize = 50MB

    log4cplus.appender.HA_APP.MaxBackupIndex = 5

    log4cplus.appender.HA_APP.Append = true

    log4cplus.appender.HA_APP.ImmediateFlush = true

    log4cplus.appender.HA_APP.layout = log4cplus::PatternLayout

    log4cplus.appender.HA_APP.layout.ConversionPattern = %-6p - %D{%x-%H:%M:%S} - %c %F(%L) %m%n


#--------"LC appender will be written to tsunami_lc.log" ------------------

    log4cplus.appender.LC_APP = log4cplus::RollingFileAppender

    log4cplus.appender.LC_APP.File = /var/log/DXi/tsunami_lc.log

    log4cplus.appender.LC_APP.MaxFileSize = 200MB

    log4cplus.appender.LC_APP.MaxBackupIndex = 10

    log4cplus.appender.LC_APP.Append = true

    log4cplus.appender.LC_APP.ImmediateFlush = true

    log4cplus.appender.LC_APP.layout = log4cplus::PatternLayout

    log4cplus.appender.LC_APP.layout.ConversionPattern = %-6p - %D{%x-%H:%M:%S} - %c %F(%L) %m%n


#--------"PERF appender will be written to tsunami_trace.log" ------------------

    log4cplus.appender.PERF_APP = log4cplus::RollingFileAppender

    log4cplus.appender.PERF_APP.File = /var/log/DXi/tsunami_trace.log

    log4cplus.appender.PERF_APP.MaxFileSize = 200MB

    log4cplus.appender.PERF_APP.MaxBackupIndex = 10

    log4cplus.appender.PERF_APP.Append = true

    log4cplus.appender.PERF_APP.ImmediateFlush = true

    log4cplus.appender.PERF_APP.layout = log4cplus::PatternLayout

    log4cplus.appender.PERF_APP.layout.ConversionPattern = %-6p - %D{%x-%H:%M:%S} - %c %F(%L) %m%n



This is the file where logging levels are controlled and loggers are created. It is important to understand how this works from a high level, so that you can access the logs required to troubleshoot a specific issue. Significant points include:


Let's take a look at some logging for replicationd as an example:


    16702          qntm_log::logger repLog("replicationd");


# allow INFO level and up messages for replication

log4cplus.logger.replicationd = INFO, ALL_APP

log4cplus.additivity.replicationd = false


  16703          if (pauseValue == true)

  16704          {

  16705             QLOG_INFO_S(repLog, "User has paused the replication service");

  16706          }

  16707          else

  16708          {

  16709             QLOG_INFO_S(repLog, "User has resumed the replication service");

  16710          }


INFO   - 08/28/13-11:22:22 - replicationd ReplicationAPI.cpp(16705) [webguid] setGlobalReplicationPauseStatus() - User has paused the replication service


9401          QLOG_DEBUG(Logging::getLogger(), "Setting strHostName: %s", strHostName.c_str());


DEBUG  - 08/28/13-11:32:37 - replicationd ReplicationAPI.cpp(9401) [replicationd] util_getHostIdsForThisHost() 02:15:20:517.569 - Setting strHostName: ryan2211source.ses.local

Log Entry Format

The format for most log entries that get written to tsunami.log is defined in log-server.conf as: 


Root Logger

The first logger defined is the root logger.  One way to get debug for all loggers would be to set the root logger to DEBUG, then comment out all of the other loggers....or set them to INHERIT.  Enabling DEBUG or TRACE on the root logger will add significant load, and probably should never be done on a customer system.  In the lab, however, it is a great way to learn how things work short of reading the source code.

When Should I Enable DEBUG?

In many cases, the answer to this question is, "Whenever that the default logging levels don't give you enough information."  With OST, for example, the INFO logging level almost always lacks enough information to understand what is going on. Another answer to this question is, "Whenever you can reproduce a failure/problem." 


Most logging is written to be "minimalistic."  When we in service discover bugs or issues, it typically won't have INFO/WARN/ERROR logs associated with it because...it's a bug. With this in mind, I think we can safely answer this question with the following answer:


Debug logging should be required for every escalation.


Having DEBUG enabled for a specific logger can save the higher-level support groups a significant amount of time. Without it, one must recreate the environment, read the code directly, spend hours searching bugzilla, and the like. With DEBUG enabled, we have a sort of translation or map telling us right where the code is, and what terms to use for searching bugzilla.  Reading the DEBUG code is often sufficient to understand what is happening, without recreating the enviornment.

How Can I Know on Which Logger to Enable DEBUG?

This is self-explanatory if you know which process is having a problem.  Sometimes you could have a replication problem that is related to the blockpool wrapper, so you might want DEBUG enabled on both of them.  I would like to recommend that those of us in service create and maintain a list of loggers that pertain to a particular type of problem.  For some problems, this is still guesswork. Enabling DEBUG or TRACE for the rootLogger on a lab DXi might be the best option to determine which loggers are needed.


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