




Advanced Topics
Topics such as Theory of Ops, basic log reading, OST basics and other basic troubleshooting information can be found here.


Looking for more advanced training resources? Check out the DXi -Series Advanced Training Curriculum




Recorded Presentations and TOIs

This page contains a list of recorded presentations and transfer of information (TOI) sessions...


Hot Topics
A Quantum-qualified DXi systems instructor provided an overview of hot topics such as Active Directory and SANtricity...


DXi0 Virtual Sandbox

These virtual sandboxes provide an open environment where you can practice tasks, test configurations, or just become familiar with DXi systems and backup applications.



New Employee Training   Release-Specific Training


DXi Training for New ASPS Team Members

New team members in the Advanced Solutions Product Support (ASPS) group should complete the following DXi and ecosystem training...





DXi Release-Specific Training

Looking for a comprehensive list of training resources for specific DXi software or hardware releases? You found it!  



Escalation Checklists

Guidelines for what should be included in an escalation for specific problem types... 





DXi 2.3 Software Blog

This blog documents findings, activities, test results, and efforts that include...



The DXi Troubleshooting Methodologies page provides Service/Support with a step-by-step approach to identifying root cause and resolution to issues without requiring the individual to become an expert in a particular DXi function. Methodologies lead the individual through  the basic troubleshooting process of Investigation, Analysis, and Implementation as you learned about in the Troubleshooting Theory and Strategy topic.


Go to the list of DXi Troubleshooting Methodologies.




This page originally included answers to questions that couldn't be answered during virtual classroom sessions.  the DXi8500 Installation and Initial Configuration: Part 2 (Virtual Classroom) session. However it's been expanded to include much more.



Comments, suggestions, help? Click the Notes tab at the top of the page.



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