Configuring SMTP and Phone Home Email Notifications |
This topic describes how to configure SMTP, phone home email notification policy and event email functions.
Lattus has two mechanisms for automatically sending email:
Note: These values are typically set during the initialization of the Management Controller Node.
The following procedures are required to configure SMTP and phone home email notifications:
# qshell
# In []: api=i.config.cloudApiConnection.find('main')
# In []:['result'][0]['cloudguid']
# In []:
# Out[]: ''
# In []
# In []
# In []:,'','','')
# Out[]: {'jobguid': '753e527b-c977-43fb-9d2c-f0a95f57395b', 'result': None}
The 3rd and 4th parameters are the credentials (login, password) for the SMTP server, if required.
All quotes are single quotes. Nothing in between if login and password are empty.
A fully qualified name can be used in place of an IP address.
Google SMTP servers require TLS port to be added.
In [1]:,'','','Supp0rt1ng')
# cat /opt/qbase3/cfg/qconfig/eventcfg.cfg
# vi /opt/qbase3/cfg/qconfig/eventcfg.cfg
The following procedure sets the email home subject line to contain the system serial number.
# qshell
# In []: api=i.config.cloudApiConnection.find('main')
# In []: customerguid=api.customer.list()['result'][0]['guid']
# In []: api.customer.getObject(customerguid).description
# In []: api.customer.getObject(customerguid).country
# In [] api.customer.updateModelProperties(customerguid, description='<serial number>')
# In []: api.customer.updateModelProperties(customerguid, country='<free form text>')
Note: Requires a .com extension when entering value thru the CMC.
# vi /opt/qbase3/cfg/qconfig/eventcfg.cfg
Leaving the admin user’s email blank places “None” in the eventcfg.cfg file.
When “None” is in the eventcfg.cfg file, the “From” value will display “None”.
By default the Policy will run every 24 hours from the time it is started. If the policy gets restarted then the send time will change.
When “None” is in the eventcfg.cfg file the “From” value will display “None”.
Event emails will start automatically. They are sent to the admin user’s email address.
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