Configuring SMTP and Phone Home Email Notifications


This topic describes how to configure SMTP, phone home email notification policy and event email functions.


Lattus has two mechanisms for automatically sending email:


Note: These values are typically set during the initialization of the Management Controller Node.



The following procedures are required to configure SMTP and phone home email notifications:


Configuring SMTP

Viewing and Configuring SMTP Settings Via qshell:


  1. Enter qshell:

# qshell


  1. Create a connection to the database:

# In []: api=i.config.cloudApiConnection.find('main')

  1. Get the cloud guid:

# In []:['result'][0]['cloudguid']

  1. View the current SMTP IP address:

# In []:
# Out[]: ''


  1. View the current SMTP login:

# In []


  1. View the current SMTP password:

# In []


  1. Set the new SMTP IP address (also login and password):

# In []:,'','','')
# Out[]: {'jobguid': '753e527b-c977-43fb-9d2c-f0a95f57395b', 'result': None}



In [1]:,'','','Supp0rt1ng')


Viewing and Configuring SMTP Settings Via the eventcfg.cfg File:


  1. View the current SMTP settings:

# cat /opt/qbase3/cfg/qconfig/eventcfg.cfg


  1. Set the new SMTP setting:

# vi /opt/qbase3/cfg/qconfig/eventcfg.cfg

  1. Add the SMTP information to “smtp = <fully qualified domain name or IP>


  2. Add the SMTP password to “smtppasswd = <password>


  3. Add the SMTP login to “smtplogin = <login>



Configuring the Email Subject Line

The following procedure sets the email home subject line to contain the system serial number.


  1. Enter qshell:

# qshell

  1. Create a connection to the database:

# In []: api=i.config.cloudApiConnection.find('main')

  1. Get the customer guid:

# In []: customerguid=api.customer.list()['result'][0]['guid']


  1. View the current value for description:

# In []: api.customer.getObject(customerguid).description


  1. View the current value for country:

# In []: api.customer.getObject(customerguid).country


  1. Set the description to the system serial number:

# In [] api.customer.updateModelProperties(customerguid, description='<serial number>')


  1. Set the country to reflect the customer name:

# In []: api.customer.updateModelProperties(customerguid, country='<free form text>')


Setting the Admin User Email Address

Configuring Admin User’s Email Value in the CMC:


  1. Log into the CMC and select Dashboard > Administration > Lattus Management > Groups and Users > Users.


  2. Select admin and Edit.


  3. Enter the Email address on the Information tab.


  4. Select Next and Yes.

Note: Requires a .com extension when entering value thru the CMC.

Configuring Admin User’s Email Value in eventcfg.cfg:


  1. Edit the config file on the management controller:

# vi /opt/qbase3/cfg/qconfig/eventcfg.cfg

  1. Add your desired email address to “admin_email = <email>



Configuring Phone Home

  1. To start phone home policy log into the CMC and select Dashboard > Administrator > Lattus Management > Policies.


  2. Select amplistor.phoneHome.


  3. Click Edit Policy.


  4. Set E-mail to: (Can use other address for testing)


  5. Set maxErrorconditionLevel to CRITICAL.


  6. Select Next and OK.


  7. Click on Start Policy Now and OK to run policy.



Configuring Event Emails

Event emails will start automatically. They are sent to the admin user’s email address.



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