Configuration Issues (DRAFT)


 An improper PTT configuration can result in a variety of problems:

This section provides examples of the following:

To configure PTT correctly use the appropriate Application Specific Configuration Guides found on CSWeb:



Note: The DXi Users Guide and Field Service Manual both document a recommendation to add a "fake" host with a  WWPN that does not exist in the Customer SAN.  The documentation will be corrected in the future to remove the recommendation to configure a "fake" host. 


The DXi Users Guides and Field Service Manuals reference "drives dedicated to application specific path to tape." This information suggests the physical drives cannot be shared in an NBU SSO environment.  While this information is also incorrect, sharing the PTT physical tape drives can be a bit complex when configuring the drives to NBU and the DXi. 


 LC: verify with Greg the correct process to configure drive for SSO/PTT


Devices that are Correctly Configured for PTT

When devices are correctly configured for PTT, each VTL drive will have a local SCSI path and an NDMP path.  The screenshot below shows correctly configured PTT devices, drive 000 is highlighted in the top pane of the Device Monitor, the bottom pane shows drive 000 configured with SCSI and NDMP paths.  The NDMP path is required for communication of the NDMP control session information this information triggers the transfer of data from the VTL media to the physical tape media. 



NBU screenshot of a properly configured PTT device 


LC Let's highlight the bottom devices in this screenshot to draw their attention

LC Do we want to note the non-shared configuration in the top half of the screenshot

LC We should add configuration details for SSO using the information learned in SR  1272594

LC Add an example of incorreclty configured PTT devices

LC Add examples of the DXi configuration


Example screen that shows correctly configured PTT devices


Once the Backup Application Specific configuration is complete, each VTL drive will have a SCSI path and an NDMP path and both drives should be in an up state. This state is indicated by the green up-arrow next to the paths as shown in the screenshot above.



Once PTT is configured using the NetBackup Application Specific Guide a duplication job should be initiated to verify the configuration.  There are multiple ways to initiate a duplication within NBU, Storage Lifecycle Policy, SLP, manual initiation using the NBU catalog, or use of the Vault Policies.  When using SLPs to initiate a duplication there will be a 30 minute delay between the successful completion of the backup and the start of the duplication.  To avoid the delay a duplication can be manually initiated using the following steps.

    Using the NBU catalog locate a successful backup

    Right click on the backup and select duplication


Once a duplication jog is started on the media server an NDMP control session is established by the media server to the DXi.  NBU uses the control session to communicate the commands to the DXi to move data from virtual media to physical media using the FC path configured from the DXi to the physical tape library.


NBU will automatically attempt to use Direct Copy, the NDMP control sesssion,  to communicate to the DXi.  You will find messages in the DXi and NBU logs indicating Direct Copy is being used for the duplication activity, if the devices are not correctly configured the messages will indicate Directo Copy errors and NBU will use the alternate path moving data over the ethernet connection between the DXi and the NBU host. 


A quick tutorial will be added here sometime this week 4/25 - 4/29 





Highlight the need for NDMP path and SCSI path

Known NBU issue using IP addresses higher than

An NBU bug causes an error when using a valid IP address of the DXi. While the IP address is valid NBU mangles the address used for the Data connect session. The IP address that NetBackup was attempting to use in the case where this was discovered was, which was found in the ndmp debug logs on both the DXi system and NBU.







What's Next?

Operational Issues >





DXI8500 PPT ports








###12:59:08### -gio- '/opt/DXi/gc --list fcports':
  Galaxy Node Template                                   
  |                             C0  C1  C2  C3  C4  C5 | 
  |                             |   |   |   |   |   |  | 
  |        - U0       o  o      |   |   |   |   |   |  | 
  |        - U1       E0 E1     |   |   |   |   |   |  | 
  C# - Pluggable cards   
  E# - onboard eth ports 
  U# - onboard USB ports 

WWPN                      Location                 SCSI Host Role      State         
21000024ff66b587          FC13 Slot 4 bottom port (backend)host18    initiator LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
21000024ff66b586          FC12 Slot 4 3-rd port from top port (backend)host17    initiator LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
21000024ff66b585          FC11 Slot 4 2-nd port from top (backend)host16    initiator LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
21000024ff66b584          FC10 Slot 4 top port (backend)host15    initiator LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
21000024ff66b79b          FC9  Slot 6 bottom port (backend)host14    initiator LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
21000024ff66b79a          FC8  Slot 6 3-rd port from top port (backend)host13    initiator LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
21000024ff66b799          FC7  Slot 6 2-nd port from top (backend)host12    initiator LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
21000024ff66b798          FC6  Slot 6 top port (backend)host11    initiator LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
500e09e200692115          FC5  Slot 10 left port (customer)host10    initiator LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
500e09e200692114          FC4  Slot 10 right port (customer)host9     initiator LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
500e09e200692113          FC3  Slot 9 left port (customer)host8     target    LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
500e09e200692112          FC2  Slot 9 right port (customer)host7     target    LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
500e09e200692111          FC1  Slot 8 left port (customer)host6     target    LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
500e09e200692110          FC0  Slot 8 right port (customer)host5     target    LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
















###10:14:45### -gio- '/opt/DXi/gc --list fcports':
  Galaxy Node Template                                   
  |                             C0  C1  C2  C3  C4  C5 | 
  |                                |  |   |   |   |   |  | 
  |        - U0       o  o      |   |   |   |   |   |  | 
  |        - U1       E0 E1     |   |   |   |   |   |  | 
  C# - Pluggable cards   
  E# - onboard eth ports 
  U# - onboard USB ports 

WWPN                      Location                 SCSI Host Role      State         
500e09e2009f2113          FC3  Slot 1 bottom port  host11    target    LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
500e09e2009f2112          FC2  Slot 1 3-rd port    host10    initiator LinkDown       off            loop_preferred
500e09e2009f2111          FC1  Slot 1 2-nd port    host9     target    LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred
500e09e2009f2110          FC0  Slot 1 top port     host8     initiator LinkUp-F_Port  off            loop_preferred


Note by Steve Sayler on 04/05/2012 04:38 PM

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