Clearing Admin Alerts from the Linter Database


SR Information: SR1315198


Product / Software Version: DXi systems with 1.x or 2.x software version installed.


Problem Description: If the DXi system generated too many Admin alerts, the DXi GUI can hang and require a restart. This workaround will remove the Admin alert entries from the Linter database.





Clearing Admin alerts takes approximately 20-30 minutes due to the necessary system reboot.


To clear Admin alerts, do the following:


1. Verify system state and correct system!


    # cd /


2. Shutdown all DXi support processes.


    # service heartbeat stop


3. Check mount status of snfs.


    # mount


4. cvfs startup.


    # service cvfs start


5. Start the db support processes (linter).


    # /usr/adic/database/bin/database_control start


6. Get a count number of entries.


    # echo "select count(*) from SL_ADMIN_LOG ;" |inl -q -u vdb/vdb


7. Delete those entries from linter db.


    # echo "delete  from SL_ADMIN_LOG where STATEVT_CODE=102;" |inl -q -u vdb/vdb


8. Reboot system rather then doing a service heartbeat start.


    # reboot


9. Verify alerts after the reboot.


10. Look at Admin alerts on GUI after the reboot. Clear out any that are residual if needed.

Example Output

A DXi software upgrade could not complete until all Admin alerts were cleared (SR1315198). Example output displays below:


[root@SM75D001 /]# echo "select count(*) from SL_ADMIN_LOG ;" |inl -q -u vdb/vdb

INL : start time : 12:00:13 end time :  12:00:13

|      92904|
INL : number of rows displayed: 1

[root@SM75D001 /]# echo "delete  from SL_ADMIN_LOG where STATEVT_CODE=102;" |in
l -q -u vdb/vdb

INL : start time : 12:00:40 end time :  12:04:27
INL : number of rows deleted: 92904



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