Changing the Name of a DXi6800 RBOD/EBOD Using SANTricity (DRAFT)


Procedure tested and documented by Dean Glover



***CAVEAT*** The preferred method is to use the Service Menu.  Please refer to Service menu option.  This current procedure requires that you be directly connected to the unit and going through the console interface to access SANtricity.  This will NOT work if you’re interfacing through a putty session due the inability to start X windows or launch X clients/GUIs.

You can alternatively go into the console using the iDRAC interface.



-In order for an RBOD to be successfully added as a capacity expansion to a DXi6800 system, the name associated with it must be “Unnamed”.  If it has already been named, such as Qarray3, an error will occur when capacity expansion is attempted and expansion will fail.

-If an “Unnamed” RBOD is connected to a system then powered up with that system, it will automatically be given a “QarrayX” name during the boot process.  It can no longer be added as a capacity expansion without changing the name back to “Unnamed”.  This procedure will explain how to change the name on the RBOD.


  1. Log into the DXi using a monitor and keyboard/mouse directly connected to the console (VGA port).
  2. Bring up a cli window
  3. Type in:       startx &  <Enter>
  4. In the window that pops up, type in:  SMclient      <Enter> 
  5. Click on:     Manage a Storage Array 
  6. Double click on the Qarray that you want to change the name on
  7. When the window for that Qarray comes up:
    1. Click on:  Storage Array      (to open the drop down) then select:  Rename
    2. A window then comes up that allows you to change the name to:   Unnamed
    3. Select:  OK
    4. Select:  Yes
    5. Type in the password:  Qa@Ar39!
    6. Select OK or Press Enter
  8. Click on:  Storage Array      then:  Exit
  9. Click on:  Edit     then: Exit
  10. You will now be back at the cli window, type in:  exit
  11. You then can then do a left click on the screen and go down to:  Exit
  12. When the X server shuts down, <Enter> will get a prompt.
  13. At this point type:  poweroff   
  14. When the system is powered back on, make sure the expansion RBOD is powered down and not connected.
  15. Follow the normal instructions in the Capacity Upgrade Guide
  16. If after completing steps 1-15 it still doesn’t work, you can attempt to repeat the steps again, but in the event you cannot successfully rename it correctly, then you will have to DOA the unit and get a replacement.

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