Changing SNC serial number in a .fw file



Get the correct serial from the current SN appliance.


[root@sps-xcellis1 scratch]# cat /opt/DXi/system-serialnumber



The BOM.json file holds these serial references.


[jmcnerny@srscratch pers]$ zgrep -a AV1709CKG00015 customer-install-1.2.0-26115758-AV1709CKG00015.fw

            "serial-number": "AV1709CKG00015"

        "connect-name": "AV1709CKG00015",


Rename the .fw file.


[jmcnerny@srscratch pers]$ cp customer-install-1.2.0-26115758-AV1709CKG00015.fw customer-install-1.2.0-26115758-AV1709CKG00015.tar.gz


Go into vi and open the .tar.gz file


[jmcnerny@srscratch pers]$ vi

               -:n customer-install-1.2.0-26115758-AV1709CKG00015.tar.gz


Select the bom.json file to edit



 Search and edit the string



After writing changes in vi the new serial is populated in the BOM.json file.


[jmcnerny@srscratch pers]$ zgrep -a new_serial customer-install-1.2.0-26115758-AV1709CKG00015.tar.gz

            "serial-number": "new_serial"

        "connect-name": "new_serial",


Change the file name to the new serial with the .fw file extension.


[jmcnerny@srscratch pers]$ cp customer-install-1.2.0-26115758-AV1709CKG00015.tar.gz customer-install-1.2.0-26115758-new_serial.fw





It maybe possible to just run the failed install with the wrong .fw file and then modify the serial in the bom.json file, rerun the install.  Havent tested yet.


[root@sps-xcellis2 scratch]#grep serial-number /var/www/html/bootstrap-1.1.0/temp-upload/customer-install/updates-connect/snconnect/mint/config/bom.json
            "serial-number": "AV1652CKH00338"

[root@sps-xcellis2 scratch]# sed -i 's/AV1652CKH00338/new_serial/g' /var/www/html/bootstrap-1.1.0/temp-upload/customer-install/updates-connect/snconnect/mint/config/bom.json


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