Centrify Training Session |
Below are various presentations delivered by David Daughterty of Centrify.
Day One - Segment 1 (1:11:48) |
Day One - Segment 2 (24:01) |
Day One - Segment 3 (55:18) |
Day One - Segment 4 (1:28:48) |
Demo of running the adbindproxy.pl utility |
Day Two - Segment 1 (35:35) |
Role and function of the adbindd daemon. |
Day Two - Segment 2 (1:10:20) |
Day Two - Segment 3 | |
Day Three - Segment 1 (53:57) |
Demo running Centrify command line tools and utilities. |
Day Three - Segment 2 (31:59) |
Demorunning Centrify command line tools and utilities, such as adkeytab and adcache. |
Day Three - Segment 3 (57:08) |
Demo running Centrify command line utilities, such as:
Day Three - Segment 4 | |
Day Four - Segment 1 (1:10:46) |
Day Four - Segment 2 (28:25) |
Day Four - Segment 3 (38:09) |
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