Blockpool Data, Files, and Commands |
The following sections describe the location of blockpool data, configuration files, and useful commands.
For DXi 1.x Software
For DXi 2.x Software
Configuration is handled the same for DXi 1.x and DXi 2.x software. The following list includes the main files:
For more information about logs, refer to the DXi Log Reading Basics topic.
When filepath inputs are needed, you need to specify /snfs/ddup/shares/… instead of /snfs/Q/shares/…
You can’t use the normal tools (cat, mkdir, etc.) on BPW files. There are a selection of others that work instead:
Here are some useful command tasks for DXi 2.x software:
How to get the contents of a file? User files no longer reside in a disk cache. To get access to a file’s contents, the file must be reconstructed, which includes retrieving the data from the blockpool. The bwcat command will do that for you. For example, bwcat –o outfile /snfs/ddup/shares/alue_nfs1/file.0
How to determine which tags are associated with a file or directory? The deduputil command no longer exists, as there is no QBFS filesystem anymore. Instead bpw_service is used.
bpw_service --dumptags \ /snfs/ddup/shares/alue_nfs_1/file.0
File: /snfs/ddup/shares/alue_nfs_1/file.0
Start Length Tag
0000000000000000 0000000040000000 150F1ED6051E4AE6C53FA4FBC74F947E (Wed Nov 24 16:44:16 2010)
0000000040000000 0000000040000000 CC422AE5C36A7B64D059FA554FAF664A (Wed Nov 24 16:48:16 2010)
[… deleted …]
How to determine which files reference a tag? Previously, you could check the output of deduputil or /snfs/healthcheck/referencedtags to determine which files reference a tag. Now, you will use bpw_service instead.
bpw_service --tagsearch 150F1ED6051E4AE6C53FA4FBC74F947E /snfs/ddup/shares
File: /snfs/ddup/shares/alue_nfs_1/file.0
Start Length Tag
0000000000000000 0000000040000000 150F1ED6051E4AE6C53FA4FBC74F947E
The following sections describe some helpful commands, and the syntax needed for specific functionality.
# /opt/DXi/bpw/bin/bpwd
Usage: ./bpwd [-C config] [-B connections] [-L] [-t module] [-X var=value]
-C: Use the given configuration file.
-B <connections>: Set number of connections to BFST.
-L: Enable lock debugging.
-t <module>: Enable tracing for specified module.
-X var[=value]: Set variable value.
# /opt/DXi/bpw/bin/bpw_service
The deduputil program is gone in DXi 2.x. It has been replaced by the following:
Usage: bpw_service <command> [argument(s)]
--dumptags <filename | path>
Prints out the blob tags from a given file or directory path
Similar to deduputil -nr
--filestat <filename>
Examines the state of a file.
Ping a bpwd server.
Shut down a running bpwd.
--tagsearch <tag> <path>
Search for the whereabouts of a tag in a file store.
--trace <package_id> [trace_mask | ALL]
Prints or sets the trace mask for the given package.
Prints the revision number of this utility.
# /opt/DXi/bpw/bin/bpwutil
bpwutil is very useful for troubleshooting bpw issues. You can use it to get useful stats for bw, bfst and pcache as well as performance metrics.
Usage: ./bpwutil command [args]
Valid commands:
alltriggers <unreg/die>
add <path to share> <dedup|nondedup>
dump <files|pcache|pages|tunables> (useful utility to use when system breaks or is running slow)
gc <on|off> (allows GC Mode to be turned on/off manually)
inode <relative path to file>
listen <path to share> <trigger|change> <unreg/die>
listen2 <path to share> <trigger|change> <path to share> <trigger|change> <unreg/die>
newtag <unreg/die>
getpolicy <path to share>
gettags <path to file> <as_is|fail_non_normal|normalize|fail_open>
settags <path to file> offset length tag_value tag_offset [filesize]
settagsfromfile <path to file> <file with tags> [filesize]
file should have lines like
offset length tag_off tag
mkdir <path to parent> <name>
remove <path to share>
rmdir <path to parent> <name>
setpolicy <path to share> [normalize] [continuous] [trigger]
share_stats [path to share]
space <normal|low|stopio> [low|stopio] (allows low space to be 'faked')
stats [-c|-v] [bw|bw_non_persistent|bfst|pcache]
tune <name>
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