Blockpool: Corrupt Clusters But No Corrupt Blobs |
This topic describes what to do when a DXi system has corrupt clusters but no corrupt blobs.
The verifies have run, including the cluster fast and blob data fast verifies. Bad clusters were detected but no bad blobs.
Aug 1 09:59:23 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 86179 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 09:59:23 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 86178 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 09:59:23 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 86177 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 09:59:29 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 86180 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 09:59:33 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 86181 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 10:35:50 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 86182 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 10:35:56 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 86183 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 11:03:34 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 86213 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 11:23:29 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 85502 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 11:29:41 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 85503 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 11:35:45 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 85504 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 11:38:35 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 85714 contains corrupt data.
Aug 1 12:39:17 PXFCI-BACKUP03 Blockpool[22549]: W: [1580] (Verify2) Cluster 85501 contains corrupt data.
The following provides one example of how to find out what is wrong with the clusters.
nohup /hurricane/blockpool/bin/blockpool dump blob-list +C3380147 +O3380147_related_blobs.txt +Nlocal@localhost 2>&1 &
/hurricane/blockpool/bin/blockpool dump cluster 3380147 +Nlocal@localhost 2>&1 | cat > cluster_3380147.dump
Based on the inforamtion below, I would suspect the cluster header to be bad. This can happen if inflight data is interrupted. Look for "Header is corrupt" messages.
Dump output subset.
H: 1 b3c9f 2e34 4 2e30 2e30 CO,IC B9C44653FD6E098E786F164CB49A2F7D
B: b3c9f 2e34 4 2e30 65585DF4FE65CB5F9C335F13A86EDD2B
W: Blocklet is marked as corrupt.
B: Compressed run @ b6ad3
W: Error decompressing run header.
Header is corrupt or of an unrecognized version.
Reference Count
H: 1 b6ad3 55c4 4 594d 594d CO,CM,SR,SI C4B4434F1DACC07B3284DE5BC4A75855
H: 1 bc097 2094 4 2090 2090 CO,IC D2CDF86A4D4572E54FE26587DF7399FD
B: bc097 2094 4 2090 7387D4818514DE7F8D12F27812628380
W: Blocklet is marked as corrupt.
So before the change it would look like this:
After the change it would look like this:
B9C44653FD6E098E786F164CB49A2F7D "B9C44653FD6E098E786F164CB49A2F7D"
65585DF4FE65CB5F9C335F13A86EDD2B "65585DF4FE65CB5F9C335F13A86EDD2B"
I use a for loop and do echo $i "$i"
Output the entire for loop to a file.
/hurricane/blockpool/bin/blockpool verify +BFormattedBlobList +Nlocal@localhost
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