The Blades and Connectivity section covers important information found in Scalar i2000 snapshot I/O Blade dump files (supportDump.log and sys_info.log). With this information, a field engineer will be able to describe the Fibre Channel topology of the customer environment as it pertains to an advanced Scalar i2000.
Click the section links below to go to those sections.
File Naming Conventions
- How many I/O blades are in the library, and are they 6404s or 7404s?
- Which supportDump file in the snapshot corresponds to which blade?How many I/O blades are in the library, and are they 6404s or 7404s?
Fiber Connectivity
- Finding the physical connectivity status of each blade's six FC ports.
- Finding the error statistics for each port.
Device Connectivity
- What physical and logical devices are attached to or present on each blade?
- What physical and logical devices are available for presentation to the SAN from each target port?
Host Connectivity
- What hosts (HBAs) are connected to each blade?
- Which port(s) (FCAL-1 or FCAL-2) does each HBA connect to, if connected at the time of the snapshot?
- What devices (physical and logical) are presented to each HBA from the blade?
loggerDump Event Log
- Fibre Channel link and error event log. This topic is in development.
What's Next...
File Naming Conventions >
Additional Resources