Analysis of the Issue (DRAFT)


This topic provides basic assistance in reading NBU logs, guidance on the use of the Symantec vxlogview utility, and identifies some common PTT/NDMP problems seen by Support.  


Reading NBU Logs

You can browse to and open the admin,  bptm and ndmp logs in the directories that are identified in Increase Log Level and Gather NBU Logs . The content of the NBU files will be in the form of the date MMDDYY.txt.


Wordpad will not be able to open the log files if they are in use, use Notepad if the files are in use. On some systems Notepad doesn't display the files correctly if this occurs copy the files to another location and open them with Wordpad.


  1. Get the time frame for the failed duplication, using the time of the failed duplication search the log files for events within that time frame.
  2. Using the admin log search for Direct Copy, if the NBU debug level was set to 5 the logs will contain messages explaining why Direct Copy failed 

Below is list of some PTT/NDMP problems and possible cause of the failure:


The admin and bptm logs are in readable format with an intuitive time stamp.


Using the Symantec vxlogview utility to view NDMP logs


The NDMP logs use the NBU unified format. To understand the logs and timestamp information you must use the vxlogview utility. Each unified process uses an originator ID, the ID for ndmp is 151.


Using the id for ndmp the following command syntax will allow you to read the ndmp logs:


        <installDir>\NetBackup\bin\vxlogview –p 51216 –o 151


Here are some examples of how to best use the vxlogview command to read the ndmp logs:


            <installDir>\NetBackup\bin\vxlogview –p 51216 –o 151 –t 00:05:00 > ndmp5.txt


    <installDir>\NetBackup\bin\vxlogview –p 51216 –o 151 –b "01/11/2011 5:31 PM" –e "01/11/2011 5:36 PM" > ndmpDupJob.txt


Note: Vxlogview cannot be used for the admin and bptm logs.


 What's Next?

Configuring and Testing PTT with NetBackup (NBU) >

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