3 - Analyze Ingest and Reads (DRAFT)



This playbook describes how to analyze ingest and read patterns.




For this playbook we will use the Harris IT system that has been used in the other Dxi7500 Playbooks.  The purpose of looking at the ingest and read patterns is to determine if a customer is sending or receiving more data than the system can handle on a given day and/or week.  Graphs from other playbooks are listed her for comparisons.  The timeline is taken from the sample dataset that was determined during the lifetime analysis playbook:

Notice how the spikes above the truncation line in the Used Disk Space graph correlate with the high ingest and read patterns in the Fibre Channel Activity graph.

From the Fibre Channel Activity graph we learn the following:

  • Total ingest for this 9 week period is 407 TB
  • Total data read and sent out of the DXi for this 9 week period is 239 TB

Next we look at the daily ingest during the same time period using the Data Ingest per week menu option.  From this graph we learn:

The customer is ingesting too much data daily.  The daily limit on a 7500 with concurrent operations is approximately 6 TB.



A DXi7500 system ingesting more than 6 TB per day runs the risk of poor performance due to the other processes that have to run throughout the day.  To resolve most cases where a DXi7500 can’t perform and the system is ingesting more than 6 TB per day, either ingest will need to be reduced or another DXi system will need to be purchased and implemented. 



Next: Capacity


Previous: Garbage Collection


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