Remove and Replace a Drive


Tape drives are installed in the back of the library. The Scalar i6 supports up to three IBM Fibre Channel (FC) LTO-6 and later drives or three IBM LTO-9 SAS full-height drives per 6U chassis. You can connect from the Fibre Channel ports directly to the server or to a storage area network using a Fibre Channel switch or directly connect SAS to an HBA. You must use a cover plate to cover any empty tape drive slot.

LTO-8 FC Drive

LTO-9 FC Drive

LTO-9 SAS Drive

Item Name Description


Unlock Lever

The unlock lever must be pushed to the unlocked (up) position before the drive sled can be removed from the library.

2 LEDs

The drive LEDs provide you with visual information that lets you know the drive is working correctly. After the library is powered up and working, the following indications tell you the drive is operating normally:

  • Power: Solid on – Indicates the drive is powered on
  • Beacon: Solid off – Drive is varied on and not being identified. Blinks blue when the drive is identified or varied off.
  • Cartridge Present: Solid on when a tape is in the drive.
  • Communication: Solid on or flashing. Valid communication to the tape library.
  • Port A: Solid on or flashing. Port is connected to a host device.
  • Port B: Solid on or flashing. Port is connected to a host device.
3 Ports The ports connect your drives to a server or a switch. You connect Fibre Channel drives with Fibre Channel cables.You connect SAS drives with SAS Mini HD cables.
4 Thumbscrews Thumbscrews secure the drive sled to the chassis.

Before You Begin

Important Information - Drive Acclimation

Before opening the sealed ESD bag, the drive should be acclimated to the climate inside the facility or room location where the drive will be installed. Changes in temperature and humidity can cause condensation. It is recommended to leave drives in the packaging for a minimum of 24 hours before opening the sealed bag.

Place the sealed bag away from direct sources of air convection to minimize condensation.

If any external or internal condensation is seen on the sealed bag after 24 hours, remove the drive from the bag and acclimate the drive in the planned location for an extra 12 to 24 hours, or until no visible condensation remains.

Figure 1: Drive in Sealed Bag

Once the bag has been opened, the drive should never be moved to a new location where temperature differences are greater than 5 degrees Celsius. If this type of drive relocation needs to occur, the drive should be placed in a sealed bag with desiccant and allowed to acclimate to the new location for a minimum of four hours.

Figure 2: Drive with Dessicant

Drive temperature and humidity specifications are as follows:

Note: The temperature and humidity specifications below are for LTO drives. For LTO media temperature and humidity specifications, refer to the Environmental Specifications in the Site Planning Guide.

Mode Air Inlet Temperature Relative Humidity (Non-Condensing) Altitude (Max)
Operating Mode

10°C to 40°C

(50°F to 104°F)

20% to 80% 

26°C (79°F) Wet Bulb Max

3048 m
Recommended Operating Mode

20°C to 25°C

(68°F to 77°F)

40% to 50% 3048 m

-40°C to 60°C

(-40°F to 140°F)

10% to 90%


3048 m

-40°C to 60°C

(-40°F to 140°F)

10% to 90%


12192 m

Before you begin the removal procedure, take a snapshot of the library and save your library configuration. These will be used to restore your library if any issues occur after the removal and replacement procedure.

Remove a Drive

Important Information - Before You Begin

Before you begin a drive removal, review the following information.

Replace a Drive