Tools > Object Storage Rate Limit

The Object Storage Rate Limit option enables you to rate limit the amount of data transferred to or from an object storage system, to control the maximum bandwidth used by Storage Manager. Storage Manager will limit the per connection object storage transfer rates such that the cumulative rates do not exceed the configured values.

The rate limits are applied globally; that is, they will limit the total bandwidth used across all Storage Manager hosts.

Note: Storage Manager uses libcurl to maintain the configured rates. libcurl will ensure a rate lower than the requested value but cannot guarantee that the configured aggregate rate will be achieved across all connections.

Note: To disable the rate limit feature for a type of transfer (Send Rate Limit or Receive Rate Limit), specify zero.

The limits set are transient and will revert to default or scheduled settings when Storage Manager restarts or fails over. By default, rate limiting is disabled, but the default settings can be overridden with the parameters below, or by using the scheduler to set the rate limits (see Tools > Storage Manager > Scheduler):