Configure Spotlight Proxy

Spotlight Proxy enables communication between a StorNext MDC and a Xsan Spotlight server. The Spotlight server enables Spotlight search functionality for Xsan clients accessing StorNext volumes. While Spotlight includes two configurable Spotlight search levels, ReadWrite and FsSearch, only the ReadWrite level works with Spotlight Proxy. Quantum recommends not to configure the FsSearch level as it will disable Spotlight Proxy.

Spotlight Search Level Description


The ReadWrite level indexes attributes as well as read and index each file in the volume.

By default, Spotlight is configured for ReadWrite indexing.


The FsSearch level only indexes file attributes.

Note: If the ReadWrite search level is configured, the Spotlight indexer attempts to read every file in the volume. For Managed file systems, this includes retrieving and reading all truncated files. To avoid this, use Cluster-Wide Central Control to prevent implicit retrieves from occurring on the macOS system that is configured as the Spotlight indexer; set the denyRetrieves control to true only for this system. This results in Spotlight indexing file metadata for all files, but only indexing user data for files that are currently online.

Caution: Enabling Spotlight Proxy on a managed file system is not advised unless you configure Cluster-Wide Central Control to prevent retrieves from the macOS system is configured as the Spotlight indexer. Failure to do so results in the Spotlight indexer retrieving all truncated files.

Note: A macOS X MDC is not supported as a proxy server for an FX LAN client.