Backup or Restore Your API Gateway Data
Use the following commands to backup or restore your API gateway data.
Note: For a list of all the API gateway commands, see API Gateway (APIGW) Command Index.
- Open an SSH connection to the API gateway and log in.
- At the prompt, enter the following:
- all
- database
- config
- template
- license
- all
- endpoint
- kong
- keycloak
- Below is an example of the output:
/opt/quantum/api-gateway/bin/apigw data backup OPTION
Below are the available options for the data backup command.
Option | Description. |
This option allows you to specify the directory where the backup data files are saved. The default directory is /opt/quantum/api-gateway/backup/YYYMMMDDDHHMISS. |
This option allows you to specify the type of data backup. Enter one of the following: The default is all. |
If you select database for the type, this option allows you to specify the database to backup. Enter one of the following: The default is all. |
/opt/quantum/api-gateway/bin/apigw data backup -D mylicensebackup -t license
Creating lock file. Copying /tmp/quantum/api-gw/license to mylicensebackup...OK Lock file removed. To restore: /opt/quantum/api-gateway/bin/cmd/data restore -D mylicensebackup -t license
- Open an SSH connection to the API gateway and log in.
- At the prompt, enter the following:
- all
- database
- config
- template
- license
- all
- endpoint
- kong
- keycloak
- Below is an example of the output:
/opt/quantum/api-gateway/bin/apigw data restore OPTION
Below are the available options for the data restore command.
Option | Description. |
This option is required and allows you to specify the directory where the data files are being restored from. |
This option allows you to specify the type of data to restore. Enter one of the following: The default is all. |
If you select database for the type, this option allows you to specify the database to restore. Enter one of the following: The default is all. |
/opt/quantum/api-gateway/bin/apigw data restore -D mylicensebackup -t license
Creating lock file. Restoring API Gateway Copying mylicensebackup/license to /tmp/quantum/api-gw...OK Lock file removed.