Reports > Gateway Metrics
The Gateway Metrics Report helps you monitor performance and throughput on your gateways, clients and file systems. Because you can see at a glance which gateways, clients or file systems are currently under or over-utilized, the Gateway Metrics Report is a useful tool for load balancing.
Note: The Gateway Metrics Report only displays Distributed LAN Client data.
The Gateway Metrics Report consists of five main sections:
Section | Description |
Two graphs at the top of the page | Displays at-a-glance information for your gateways, clients and file systems. These graphs change according to your selection. A large banner above the graphs provides a summary of total read and writer throughput for all gateways. |
Gateway Summary | Displays a list of all gateways and statistics for each one. |
Client Summary | Displays a list of all clients and statistics for each one. |
File System Summary | Displays a list of all file systems and statistics for each one. |
Settings | Section where you can enable or disable metrics tracking for one or more gateways. |
By default, the summary sections show the average overall throughput, average read throughput and average write throughput for each specific gateway, client or file system listed. You can customize the information displayed by adding columns or removing columns as described in Change Displayed Columns.
Note: You can collapse or expand any section by clicking the double arrow icon at the right side of the section title bar.

- On the Reports menu, click Gateway Metrics. The Gateway Metrics Report appears. By default, the initial view is in Summary mode and displays the Last Hour of aggregate throughput of all gateways. For information about viewing the report in Detail mode, see Change to Detail Mode.
- (Optional) Click Refresh to manually update (refresh) the report data.
You can change the information displayed in the graphs or view detailed information rather than a summary as described in the following sections.

You can use the radio buttons above the charts to change the level of detail shown on the graphs to display information from the Day, Last 30 Days, Last 24 Hours, or Last Hour.
You can also specify the time period for the graphs by using the Select Time Period field at the left of the radio buttons.
To change the time intervals used in the graphs displays, at the Zoom field click one of the following:
- 10m: Displays graph information in ten minute increments. For example, from 7:00, 7:10, 7:20, 7:30 and so on.
- 2h: Displays graph information in two hour increments. For example, from 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 and so on.
- 6h: Displays graph information in six hour increments. For example, from 12:00 (midnight), 6:00 a.m, 12:00 (noon), 6:00 p.m. and so on.
- 1d: Displays graph information in one day increments.
- 30d: Displays graph information in thirty day increments.
You can also manually compress or expand the displayed graph information by grabbing and dragging one of the handles at the far left and rights ends of the scroll bar below the graphs.
Note: On particularly large systems that generate a lot of metric information, if you select the Last 30 Days option your system could reach the row limit for the Gateway Metrics report before the full 30 days can be displayed.
When you hover the mouse pointer over the graphs, an information box displays you the date and time at which a data point was captured for the displayed gateway, client or file system. You can view other data points by repositioning the mouse pointer over the graphs.

- You can view the Gateway Metric report in Detail mode rather than Summary mode. To switch to Detail mode, double-click any gateway, client or file system name.
- When you are in Detail mode, single-clicking the name of a specific gateway, client or file system updates the graphs to show detail for only the selected gateway, client or file system.
- When you are viewing the Gateway Metrics Report in Detail mode you can return to Summary mode at any time by clicking the Summary button.

Another Detail mode display option is to first select a gateway by double-clicking the desired gateway name, and then doing one of the following:
- Single-click an individual client or file system name. The graphs update to show the selected client or file system on the selected gateway only.
- Single-click the heading Total Shown Clients or Total Shown Filesystems. The graphs update to show all clients or all file systems on the selected gateway.
Note: The graphs display a maximum of 20 clients or 20 file systems per gateway. If your gateway has more than 20 clients or 20 file systems, only the first 20 are shown in the graphs.

In either summary or detail display mode, you can show fewer or more columns by clicking the down-arrow icon to the right of a column heading and then moving your mouse over the Columns heading in the drop-down.
Currently displayed columns are indicated by a green arrow inside the check-box to the left of the column name. Check any additional columns you want to show, or deselect any currently displayed columns you want to hide.
Following are the available columns for the gateway, clients and file system sections:
Parameter |
Description |
Gateway (in Gateway section) |
The name of the gateway. |
Client (in Client section) |
The name of the client. |
File System (in File System section) |
The name of the file system. |
Average Overall Throughput |
The average overall data throughput including reading and writing, expressed in kilobytes per second. |
Read Count |
The total number of read (I/O) operations. |
Read Rate |
The number of reads (I/O) per second. |
Read Bytes |
The number of bytes read. |
Average Read Throughput |
The average data read throughput. |
Read Distribution |
The percentage of data read by the specific gateway, client or file system. |
Write Count |
The total number of write operations. |
Write Rate |
The number of writes per second. |
Write Bytes |
The total number of bytes written. |
Average Write Throughput |
The average write throughput per second. |
Write Distribution |
The percentage of data written by the specific gateway, client or file system. |
Utilization |
The currently selected Gateway Network Interface Card’s maximum aggregate throughput. |

The Gateway Metrics Settings section allows you to enable or disable gateway metric tracking for a single gateway, multiple gateways or all gateways. This section of the Gateway Metrics page shows the following settings for all gateways:
Parameter | Description |
Gateway |
The name of the gateway. |
Metrics Enabled |
Shows whether metrics tracking is enabled (True) or disabled (False). |
Sample Interval (Secs) |
The interval in seconds during which metrics are captured. For example, if the sample interval is 60 seconds (the default value), metrics will be sampled every minute. The Sample Interval value interacts with the currently selected time period (Day, Last 30 Days, and so on). The report data returned is based on the default sample interview of 60 seconds, so if you change the default sample interval to a value less than 60 seconds (effectively creating more sampled data), you could end up with less total data. For example, if the time period is set at Last 30 days and you change the sample interval to 30 seconds, the reports would fill in 15 days rather than 30 days. |
Last Connect |
The date and time when the last connection was established with the gateway. |
Last Update |
The date and time when the statistics and graphs on the Gateway Metrics page were last updated. Gateway metrics must be enabled (True) for a particular gateway to be included in the update. |
Note: You can hide or show columns in the Gateway Metrics Setup section just as you can in the other sections.

- Double-click the gateway whose metrics you want to enable or disable.
- To enable metrics, click the check-box to the right of the gateway name. To disable metrics, remove the check-mark.
- If desired, specify a sample interval by either clicking the up or down arrows or typing a value in the field to the right of the check-box. The valid range is between 10 seconds and 3600 seconds.
- Save your changes by clicking Update, or click Cancel to abort.