Data Reduction Statistics
The Data Reduction Statistics overview on the Home page displays the following information about the results of data reduction:
Data Reduction Information | Description |
Data Size Before Reduction | The original, native size of all data that has been processed by the data deduplication and compression engines. |
Data Size After Reduction | The final, reduced size of all data that has been processed by the data deduplication and compression engines. |
Total Reduction Ratio | The total reduction ratio of all data that has been processed by the data deduplication and compression engines (Data Size Before Reduction divided by Data Size After Reduction). |
Click Show More to display additional information:
Show More Information | Description |
Incoming Replication | The amount of data stored on the system via replication from another system. This does not include incoming data from replication. |
Shares | The amount of data stored on the system via local I/O. This includes incoming data from Directory/File-based Replication, and incoming data from Failback replication. |
OST Storage Servers | The amount of data stored in deduplicated OpenStorage (OST) storage servers. This includes incoming data for OST and DXi Accent. |
Deduplication Ratio | The deduplication ratio of all data that has been processed by the data deduplication engine. |
Compression Ratio | The compression ratio of all data that has been processed by the compression engine. |
Click an item to view detailed statistics for disk usage. See Disk Usage.