Data Reduction Statistics

The Data Reduction Statistics overview on the Home page displays the following information about the results of data reduction:

Data Reduction Information Description
Data Size Before Reduction The original, native size of all data that has been processed by the data deduplication and compression engines.
Data Size After Reduction The final, reduced size of all data that has been processed by the data deduplication and compression engines.
Total Reduction Ratio The total reduction ratio of all data that has been processed by the data deduplication and compression engines (Data Size Before Reduction divided by Data Size After Reduction).

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Incoming Replication The amount of data stored on the DXi via replication from another DXi . This does not include incoming data from Directory/File or Cartridge Based Replication, or incoming data from Failback replication.
Shares & Partitions The amount of data stored on the DXi via local I/O. This includes incoming data from replication.
OST Storage Servers The amount of data stored in deduplicated OpenStorage (OST) storage servers. This includes incoming data for OST and DXi T10 Accent.
Deduplication Ratio The deduplication ratio of all data that has been processed by the data deduplication engine.
Compression Ratio The compression ratio of all data that has been processed by the compression engine.
Cloud Share Statistics Lists all data statistics for cloud share data storage below.
Total uploaded bytes Total bytes of data uploaded and stored from the DXi T10 to the configured cloud storage provider.
Total object count Total number of objects produced during the archive process that is uploaded to the cloud.
Secured user data size The raw file size that is secured. For example, if 5x 1MB files are secured, the secured user data size is 5,xxx,xxx.
Secured user file count To number of files secured.
Bytes reduced by de-duplication Total number of bytes reduced by deduplication before data is uploaded into cloud.
Reduction Ratio Ration of bytes reduced by deduplication (secure user data size / total uploaded bytes).

Click an item to view detailed statistics for disk usage, See Disk Usage.