Log in to the Appliance Controller CLI
Open an SSH connection to the appliance using the stornext user account.
At the password prompt, enter the stornext user's password.
Sudo log in to the system.
At the password prompt, enter the stornext user's password.
Enter qtmcontroller to log in to the Appliance Controller.
Note: For versions prior to Appliance Controller 3.1.0, enter su sysadmin.
Example (SSH connection from the Mac Terminal, Linux or UNIX system, or the Windows 10 command line):
ssh stornext@xcellis1.example.com
stornext@xcellis1's password:
Last login: Tue Jan 27 15:36:00 2015 from eng.example.com
[stornext@xcellis1 ~]$ sudo rootsh
[sudo] password for stornext:
[root@xcellis1 ~]# qtmcontroller
Welcome to Quantum Xcellis Appliance Controller Console
*** Type 'help' for a list of commands.
XCellis:xcellis1> ?
Example (SSH connection to the host server from a Windows system using PuTTY):
login as: stornext
stornext@xcellis1's password:
Last login: Tue Jan 27 15:36:00 2015 from eng.example.com
[stornext@xcellis1 ~]$ sudo rootsh
[sudo] password for stornext:
[stornext@xcellis1 ~]$ qtmcontroller
Last login: Fri Dec 7 13:37:11 2018 from eng.example.com
Welcome to Quantum Xcellis Appliance Controller Console
*** Type 'help' for a list of commands.
Xcellis:xcellis1> ?