Convert to a High Availability (HA) System

Note: The HA conversion process is required for initial installations.

If you are upgrading from StorNext 4.7.x (or later), and have previously converted your system to HA configuration, the conversion process is unnecessary. Previously-converted systems will not be taken out of HA configuration, so the option to convert to HA is unavailable. However, for StorNext releases prior to StorNext 4.7.x, an HA conversion is necessary after StorNext software upgrades.

This section describes the configuration steps necessary to convert two StorNext MDC servers into a High Availability MDC pair connected to a shared file system. Converting to HA consists of selecting the dedicated unmanaged StorNext file system for use as the controlling shared file system, and then instructing StorNext to convert each MDC server to operate as one MDC server of the HA pair.

The following note and bullet items apply only to customer-supplied MDCs.

Note: The Convert menu option will be unavailable (grayed out) on the Tools menu if you have not specified a secondary system. If you have not already done so, specify a secondary system by using the Name Servers function. For more information, see Step 2: Configure a File System Name Server.

The following are considerations you should be aware of concerning the HA conversion process:

Considerations for All MDCs

The following applies to all MDCs used in an HA configuration: