Tools > Storage Manager > Truncation Exclusions

The Truncation Exclusions option on the Tools menu enables you to specify files you want to exclude from the truncation process. The file path must be included when specifying the exclusion criteria.

Since paths are included in the criteria, this allows you to specify criteria which will affect all files within a directory. This basically allows an exclusion to be specified for a directory.

For example, you may want to exclude directories containing system files or files used during system login. When you create an exclusion for a directory, none of the files in that directory are truncated.

The process involves specifying directory paths as part of the criteria so StorNext knows how to locate and identify the files to exclude. You can create as many exclusion patterns as you like, and as your needs change you can delete unwanted exclusion patterns. These exclusions are stored in a file which StorNext checks when storing but before truncating.

The process involves specifying directory paths as part of the criteria so StorNext knows how to locate and identify the files to exclude. You can create as many exclusion patterns as you like, and as your needs change you can delete unwanted exclusion patterns. These exclusions are stored in a file which StorNext checks when storing but before truncating. If you update the truncation exclusion criteria, it does not effect any files which are already excluded.

A file remains excluded from truncation until you do one of the following:

Note: If you exclude a file and then later rename that file after it has been stored, the renamed file will continue to be excluded from truncation unless the renamed file does not match exclusion criteria and is modified so that it gets stored again, or you execute the command fschfiat –t c to remove the exclusion from the file.