Tools > File Systems > Manage Quotas

Note: The information below assumes you have the Quotas feature enabled on your file system(s). See Quotas in Advanced Parameters > Features Tab.

The quota system provides a means for limiting the amount of disk storage consumed on a per user or per group basis across an entire file system or within a designated directory hierarchy. Quota limits apply to the space consumed by disk-block allocations for a user or group, which is not equal to the sum of their file sizes. Disk-block allocations can be less than the file size if the file is sparse, or more if the file system has allocated extra sequential blocks for the efficiency of anticipated future writes.

WARNING: If you enable quotas on an existing file system, the file system becomes unavailable while the changes are applied.

For more information about quotas, see the StorNext User's Guide.

This page offers the following functionality:

  • You can view, edit, delete or configure new quota values as it pertains to the StorNext file system.

The table on this page allows you to view the following quota values:

Quota Property Description

Directory Namespace

Specifies the file system and directory name.

Soft Limit

Specifies the soft limit quota value configured on the system. The Soft Limit is the maximum amount of available usage. You are warned upon reaching the Soft Limit quota value.

Usage (Relative to Soft Limit)

Specifies the percent (%) usage relative to the Soft Limit quota value on the system.

Hard Limit

Specifies the hard limit quota value configured on the system. The Hard Limit quota value is the absolute amount of available usage. You cannot go beyond the Hard Limit quota value.

Total Grace Period

Specifies the total grace period configured on the system. The Total Grace Period is used when you have exceeded the Soft Limit quota value, but are still under the Hard Limit quota value. As soon as the Soft Limit quota value has been exceeded, you have the configured Total Grace Period amount of time to free up space to return your usage under the Soft Limit quota value.

Grace Period Remaining

Specifies the grace period remaining on the system. The Grace Period Remaining is the amount of time remaining to free up space to return your usage under the Soft Limit quota value.

Number of Files

Specifies the number of files on the system.