How To List StorNext Connect User Accounts

In order to facilitate resetting the password of an administrator account if all administrator passwords for Stornext Connect are forgotten, use the StorNext Connect host CLI and do the procedure below to list all StorNext Connect user accounts.

The procedure lists all user accounts by email address and indicates whether a user account is an administrator (as indicated by the label admin in the admin_status column) or a non-administrator (as indicated by an empty or blank label in the admin_status column).

Below is an example of the output:

           email           | admin_status
---------------------------+-------------- | admin  |
(2 rows)
  1. Click here to download a .zip file labeled, and then save the .zip file to a local destination. The .zip file contains a script labeled that allows you to list all StorNext Connect user accounts.
  2. Open the .zip file and extract the script file to a local destination.
  3. Copy the script file to a directory on your StorNext Connect host system.

    Note: Make note of the destination where you copy the script file, as you will navigate to it at a later step.

  4. Launch the command line with an SSH utility and log in to your StorNext Connect host system.
  5. Navigate to the directory location where you copied the script file.
  6. Execute the script.

    Below is an example of the output:

               email           | admin_status
    ---------------------------+-------------- | admin  |
    (2 rows)